Purpose. Passion. Peace.

“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.”
~ Jesus Christ (John 10:10)

Live Refreshed. Share YOUR Refreshed Life Today!

Live Your Refreshed Life.

Need encouragement and hope? Looking for fulfillment and purpose in life?

Maybe you’ve just lost a job, are struggling in a relationship, or entered “the empty nest.” Transition is necessary…but where do you begin?

The one constant in life is change… and change can seem overwhelming. It can leave you feeling confused, discouraged, or just plain “stuck.” So…how can you experience a more meaningful life, one that offers you joy and peace?

Discover practical steps you can apply TODAY to begin refreshing your thoughts, attitudes, and relationship with God. Your Refreshed Life is here with blogs, newsletters, and podcasts to provide you with REAL WORLD strategies for enhancing life, faith, and relationships. You really can live the abundant life that Jesus promises in John 10:10!  

And as you become “unstuck” and help others to do the same, you can experience the words in Proverbs 25:13,

“He (or she) who refreshes others will themselves be refreshed.”


We’re Linda and Reen Waterman!

We know what it means to want an abundant, meaningful life. We understand your desire to be sure you are fulfilling God’s purpose, discovering your destiny but wondering if you’re on the right path.  

We, also like you, confront change every day. Whether the not-so-simple decision to add an appointment to your already jammed schedule, or a sudden job loss that demands a career change, we’ve been there. We realize unexpected changes occur all the time and the ability to face change and successfully transition in a new direction isn’t easy. 

We’re here to help. As certified Life Coaches, authors, and radio hosts, we are committed to helping you experience Your Refreshed Life promised by Jesus Christ when He said, “I have come that you might have life and have it abundantly.” We have what you need to experience Your Refreshed Life:

  • Virtual & Live Coaching
  • Daily Radio Programs
  • Inspiring Newsletters
  • Motivational Blogs
  • Highly- Recognized Podcasts
  • Award-winning Books
Our Mission

Who are we?

Your Refreshed Life, an international outreach ministry, began with a radio program designed to help you experience PURPOSE, PASSION, and PEACE in all areas of your life. You CAN experience the true abundant, refreshed life promised to YOU by God.

Their 2-minute daily internet radio program, aired on BabbieMasonRadio.com, offers insightful interactive content to entertain and inspire you. Your Refreshed Life leaves you with one key thought to consider throughout your day and now includes podcasts that can be heard daily on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora and Podbean.

If you desire to delve deeper into the issues discussed, subscribe to the Waterman’s monthly newsletter and weekly blogs. Their award-winning books are available for purchase and their YouTube Channel, launched in 2020, offers additional resources including an inside view into their personal Refreshed Life.

Both conference speakers and trainers, meet the Watermans in person by scheduling them for your upcoming conferences, church/community speaking opportunities, or hear them at regional events.

We’ve created 320 podcasts to help you experience Your Refreshed Life!

Listen to YourRefreshedLife.com podcast live Monday through Friday 11:15am and 7:57pm.

“Their real and relevant approach to daily living for Christ is a fresh breath of air in a world that can be full of hassle, hustle and hopelessness. Our listeners love this daily uplift. I do too!”

-Babbie Mason, award-winning Christian singer-songwriter with Dove, Grammy and Stellar Award nominations as well as 2010 inductee into The Christian Music Hall of Fame.

“Little did I know when we started recording, that God would not only bless me with the opportunity to work with this wonderful couple, but that God would touch me in a very personal way. I know that God is using this broadcast to reach as well as lift up those that need a refreshing drink from His word in this fast paced world that we live in.”

-Andy King, performer with The Carolina Opry, and a 31-year Christian music ministry that includes serving as Church Worship Leader.
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