Pandemic Thanksgiving: How Will You Spend It?

Reen and I sat motionless, listening attentively to the Governor’s COVID-19 report. He described the dramatic spike in COVID cases sweeping the nation. The seriousness and reality of this disease cannot be ignored.

Soon my phone rang out with email and text messages from family and friends explaining that they will NOT be traveling or gathering over Thanksgiving.  Group celebrations are simply not going to happen this year.

One person spoke realistically, “I love Thanksgiving and the opportunity to see everyone. But a turkey dinner sure isn’t worth dying for….” And of course, he is right.

So what impact will this have on your Thanksgiving? Do you suddenly feel like so many right now, lonely and alone? Is your mind blank as to how you will spend the holidays?

As you seek to discover Your Refreshed Life every day, may I make a suggestion? Let’s consider a new perspective. Let’s look at this Thanksgiving as the beginning of a very special holiday season…one like no other.  Maybe as never before we can spend it with the ONE who most wants to be with us…God Himself.

Even now as I write this, I remind myself that even if Reen were not here, I would not be alone. And the truth is, loneliness, just like self-pity, is a choice. There is One who loves me more than anyone on this earth and He is inviting me to something very special…set apart time to stop, settle down, and meet with Him.

So where do you start? How about sitting quietly and reading God’s love letter, the Bible? When was the last time you actually discussed it with Him?  Do you ask Him about it’s meaning and implications for your life?

How about beginning by meditating on these words spoken to you by Jesus, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest (renewal, blessed quiet) for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30) 

When was the last time you simply stopped to listen for His still, quiet voice? He waits to speak with you. Can you hear Him?  If not, why not? Is your life so crowded with distractions, activities, demands and deadlines that you rarely anticipate His Presence?

Albert Barnes, a Christian theologian during the 1800s writes, “We can always find something to be thankful for, no matter what may be the burden of our wants, or the special subject of our petitions.” Yes, this is a year of burdens, wants, and special petitions… no doubt. But even so, there is faith, hope, and especially love. There is a love far greater than you can imagine extended from the One, Jesus, who hungers to be known by you. He waits for you this Thanksgiving. Don’t miss this opportunity to spend time with Him.

Know I am praying for you and will also be joining you in this pursuit! Blessings!

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