How Deep are Your Relationships?

Have you ever felt alone even when standing in a crowd? It’s been a year now since Reen and I moved to a new town where we knew no one. We’ve worked hard to start a new business and make acquaintances. But little time is left to build relationships.

We both sensed we were feeling a little depressed one day and began questioning each other to discover why. We agreed that our marriage relationship was good as we learned the new skillset of working on a business together, we loved our new town, and our business was going well, so why? Why did we feel depressed?

We both agreed the biggest thing lacking from our life was family and friends. We emotionally miss intimate connections. Our children are spread out across the nation and we aren’t able to see them often. Our clients are wonderful and we really enjoy them, but share little time together apart from work.

We realized we usually find our best friends through belonging to and participating in a church. It is said Chattanooga is the “most churched” town in America. There are so many good churches it’s been really tough to know where to attend. We’ve loved several we’ve visited but they either were too big, did not focus on God’s Word adequately, or simply didn’t seem to need the gifts, skills, and abilities we hope to offer in service if we join the group.

So, two weeks ago we decided to simply make a commitment to a church we enjoyed and settle in. It seems making that commitment to go deeper in relationship with others has lifted the depression. And it seems God already warns us, realizing our need for this connection. “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—” (Hebrews 10:24-25). Anticipation of new friendships prevails as we plan to join a small group and get more involved.

If you are struggling with depression and wonder why, don’t ignore the feelings. Take time to think about it, look at your situation, discuss it with a friend, search your heart, and pray.

God will show you the issue and help you solve the problem. He loves you and doesn’t want any of his children to feel lonely or alone. If you believe in Jesus Christ, He not only is always with you… but always within you by His Holy Spirit waiting to comfort you. And He gave you His church to come alongside you to encourage, strengthen, and support you in your faith and in this life He is giving you to lead.

Let us know if we can pray for or encourage you. We stand waiting.

I’ll be praying for you and I hope you pray for us! We’d love to hear from you.  Email us at How can we pray for you?

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