Four Ways to Fervently Love

When Jesus chose disciples and began the church, He gave clear instructions for ways we are to treat one another. They now seem radical…almost outrageous. As love is on everyone’s mind in February, let’s look at the ways, according to Jesus, genuine love is fleshed out.

Let’s look with fresh eyes…not with a sense of guilt or condemnation for ways we lack, but with prayerful thoughts about how we might demonstrate Jesus’ love to all those we meet and especially those within our forever family, Christ’s Body.

The first instruction that describes how we are to deal with one another is seen in Peter’s words, “ Love one another fervently from the heart” ( I Peter 1:22).  

What does it really mean to fervently love? A fervent love is a committed love, one that remains constant through good times and bad. In the Old Testament the word, “Hesed” describes that self-sacrificing, loyal, faithful lovingkindness found only in God. “Agape” is the New Testament word that describes these qualities only found in God’s character. How do we experience and share this love?

Peter answers the question, Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires”(II Peter 1:4). As we take God at His Word, believe His promises, and obey, He allows us to literally experience and reflect His divine nature.

He places this love in us when His Spirit comes to live in us after we place our faith in Jesus Christ. It is a sacrificial, never failing, supernatural, fervent love that God alone offers us which we can then demonstrate to the world. What are practical ways we can live and share that love with those we meet every day? Here are some examples:

  • Take a genuine interest in each person’s life – Find out what matters to them. Learn and remember what they are currently dealing with so you can pray.

  • Pray for each faithfully – When you say you will pray, stop right then, and pray with them. Don’t wait and then forget. And if you can’t pray in that moment, text yourself a message reminding you to pray at the next possible moment.

  • Follow up and ask about his or her concerns – Genuine interest involves listening intently and then remembering what you heard enough to follow up the next time you see them.

  • If appropriate, take action – Ask if there is any way you can help. What might you do to ease their burden? Give them a ride to a doctor’s visit? Simply “do lunch” because they need a friend? Offer them a book that might help with their situation and agree to discuss it together at a later date?

Let’s start becoming intentionally more aware of those God places in our lives. Let’s be “on mission” with God every day as He guides our plans and paths and orchestrates His desires for our lives on this earth. Let’s be the hands and feet of Jesus to those around us that they may feel His touch and know His Presence. Let’s live the radical life Jesus lived in His honor that others might see and know Him through us. What a challenge. What a privilege. What a purpose!

Other verses to consider I John 3 and 4, II John 5, John 15:17, Romans 13:8, I Thessalonians 3:12

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