Three Ways to Spend Summer Time with God

I don’t know about you, but summer is often difficult for finding time to spend with God. This is particularly true during vacation trips. My routine morning time of reading the Bible, praying, and listening to God is disturbed. Quiet in the morning disappears as everyone is up and going earlier than anticipated. Every day holds different activities, demands, and distractions.

I am determined this summer to prepare my heart for the day by meeting with God before each busy day begins. So, here are some suggestions I plan to implement:

1. Find an undisturbed location

My office is a transformed sunroom with a large, overstuffed chair. I sit there every morning to begin my morning with time for God.

I remember, though, when my children were young, every summer I transformed our guest room (set apart from the main activity of the home) into my quiet time room. Whether the children slept or awakened early, they knew if Mom was in that room, they needed to wait until she finished her time with God to interrupt her.

As they grew older and more self-sufficient, I drove myself to a nearby river and sat on a nearby bench to spend time with God. I loved meeting with Him in the outdoors. Enjoying the bird’s songs and the sound of flowing water was a gift. We have a back porch that affords me this same pleasure which I plan to use now that the weather is warm.

2. Pack your Bible, devotional, journal, and a much-anticipated Christian “read”

When packing for vacation, bring everything you need to inspire your time with God. If possible, before everyone awakens, sit outside on the back porch of your timeshare, in the hotel lobby, or at an adjoining café and read that much-anticipated Christian book you’ve wanted to read for months after spending time in Bible study, prayer, and journaling.

Ruth Graham told me years ago she always carried three books on vacation…her Bible, a Christian book, and a contemporary novel (I think she was very partial to Louis L’Amour if I remember correctly) to keep in touch with trends in culture.

One friend who loved to watercolor would paint scenes of the places she visited in her journal as she recorded the beauty of God’s creation and all she experienced on family trips. 

3. Share What You Learn and Hear from God with your Family-

Summer and vacation offer the wonderful gift of unstructured and free time for discussion and conversation with your spouse and family. Take this opportunity to talk with those you love most about the things that mean the most to you in your life with Jesus. Share your insights, concerns, and prayer requests. Create God-moments and God-memories to be cherished for years to come.

Yes, summer is a time of interruption and change in routine but it can also be a time of rich memories and much needed rest.

Join me this summer in giving God the best of everyday, drawing near to His heart and relishing His fellowship in new and fresh ways. After all, He promises something wonderful, “And when you draw close to God, God will draw close to you,” (James 4:8). Enjoy His Presence!

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