4 Steps for Discovering God’s Will

4 Steps for Discovering God’s Will (Part 1)

So, how do we hear from God?

How do we know His will so we can say “Yes?” Last week we learned how to say “No.” Why did we discuss that first? Because only as you have cleared your life and schedule of extraneous distractions do you make time for God’s plans and purposes.

In my book, “Dancing in the Storm: Successfully Embracing Change” I share Five Steps found in “Discovering the Will of God in the Process.” Here I will share the ways to discover God’s will for each day:

  1. Spend Time Getting to Know God through His Word-

It all starts with reading the Bible to know God’s character, understand His perspective, and gather His thoughts on matters of life. He waits to reveal His will and plans for you as you spend time reading not only about His work throughout history, but His actual words spoken to those who sought to know and understand Him.

The Bible is more than an interesting history book. It is the compilation of God’s story shared through His living, powerful words revealed directly to His servant writers. They retell and detail God’s Presence throughout history.

  1. Listen to Hear His Voice-

It’s important to ask God to reveal Himself to you as you read His Word. Jesus promises, “The person who has My commands and keeps them is the one who [really] loves Me; and whoever [really] loves Me will be loved by My Father, and I [too] will love him and will show (reveal, manifest) Myself to him. [I will let Myself be clearly seen by him and make Myself real to him] (John 14:21 Amp).

Prayer is nothing more than having a conversation with God. And yet, that is everything in building a relationship with anyone. Ask the Spirit of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit placed within you when you believe, to assist you as you read God’s Word and discuss it with Him. And sometimes, say nothing–just listen.

He will give you thoughts you may never have considered. He may take His words and make them real in a new way, explaining them with an example from your life. He may impress them on your heart by quickening your spirit to know those words are specifically for you to give you direction in this very moment in time. Jesus is alive and He waits to speak, reveal, and manifest Himself to you. Are you listening?

Discover the two remaining ways to know God’s will next week. Until then send any thoughts,suggestions, or questions to me at info{@}YourRefreshedLife{dot}com. Have a wonderful week!

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