Five Thought Patterns to Avoid!

Hi! It’s Linda. I’m excited to share with you new insights I’ve learned recently on finding freedom from the negative thoughts that plague us. Let’s continue our journey to discover renewal, fresh starts, and new beginnings!

I recently completed a six-week coaching course created by Shirzad Chamine, Chairman of CTI (the largest coaching-training organization in the world), who also is a faculty member at Stanford and Yale Business Schools. He created something called “Positive Intelligence” and “PQ”, your Positive Quotient.  He writes, “The reason so many of our attempts at improving our success or happiness fizzles is that we sabotage ourselves. More precisely, our minds sabotage us. Your mind is your best friend. But it is also your worst enemy.”

Although I may not agree with everything presented in his course, there were some tremendous concepts I wanted to share with you today and next week particularly if thoughts of guilt, shame, and regret assail you. And we know that it is the enemy of our souls who comes to steal, kill, and destroy–often attacking us deceptively from within our own mind. So, understanding how some of these attacks occur can help you defend yourself from these subtle attempts to derail you from the life and path that God has for you!

His premise is that we make a choice to entertain negative thoughts. We can overcome this by willfully focusing on the positive and choosing not to dwell on the constant negative thoughts that continually assault our minds.

Paul tells us this when he says to the Philippians, “We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ, (2 Corinthians 10:5 Amplified).” These thoughts seek to undermine the freedom we have found in Jesus Christ.   

And then Shirzad explains that these thoughts, which he personifies as “saboteurs” (because they constantly try to sabotage us and rob us of joy and peace), fall into ten categories.  Today we’re going to look at the first five. Take a moment and consider which type of thoughts you struggle with the most.

1.    The Judge

Chamine explains this is the universal saboteur everyone struggles with when their thoughts accuse and condemn them. He writes, “The Judge is the master saboteur, the one everyone suffers from. It compels you to constantly find fault with yourself, others, and your conditions and circumstances…It’s self-justifying lie is that without it, you or others would turn into lazy and unambitious” people who would not achieve much at all.

2.    The Avoider

These thoughts focus on the positive and pleasant in an extreme way to avoid difficult or unpleasant tasks and conflicts. Those who struggle with these, often procrastinate. Its lie is that you are being positive instead of actually avoiding your problems.

3.    The Controller

Charmine states, “The Controller runs on an anxiety-based need to take charge, control situations, and bend people’s actions to one’s own will.” These thoughts generate high anxiety and impatience, and its lie is that you need the Controller to generate the best results from the people around you.  Its lie is that you need the controller to generate the best results from yourself and everyone around you. You feel you innately know what is best for each individual and your only desire is to help them.

4.    The Hyper-Achiever

These thoughts make you dependent on constant performance and achievement for self-respect and validation. It keeps you focused primarily on outward success rather the internal criteria for peace and happiness that God provides in His Word. Its lie is that your self-acceptance is conditional on performance and external validation.

5.    The Hyper-Rational

These thoughts insist on everything being rational, including relationships. These cause you to become easily impatient with people’s emotions and look at emotions as unworthy of time and consideration. Its lie is that the rational mind is the most important form of intelligence you possess.

As you consider these first five thought patterns, ask yourself which sabotage you most often. Identify moments when these thoughts crowd and cloud your thinking, sometimes becoming a literal obstacle to your ability to move forward. Remember, you can find freedom from this onslaught, and I will be explaining how to do this in upcoming blogs.

Next week we will look at the remaining five categories. When we recognize that all the negative thoughts we struggle with are limited to only a few categories and most of us only struggle with “The Judge” and one other negative thought pattern, we realize we can overcome this problem and find relief. We can experience freedom and watch our lives change as we choose to reject these thoughts and replace them with new thoughts.

Do you have questions? Would you like to share your thoughts?

Please contact me at anytime. I look forward to hearing from you! And please share this information and blog with a friend if you think it will enhance their life as well. Remember:

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