Eight Faith-based Resolutions: Hope for 2024

Are you someone who starts the year with New Year’s Resolutions? Most people create resolutions that statistically, by the end of January, they abandon.  

This month I thought, why not begin a new practice? Why not try something different? Let’s prayerfully consider creating faith-based resolutions, ways we would like to enrich our lives throughout the year?

How about you? What would you consider faith-based resolutions to enrich Your Refreshed Life?

Here are a few suggestions:

  1. Seek God’s Will Each Day
    Since it’s true if you are a Christ-follower, you are “God’s handiwork created in Christ Jesus for good works that you might walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10), why not wake up every morning and ask the Lord Jesus what He has in mind for your day?  Then listen for the Holy Spirit’s still small voice to answer your question and order your day.
  2. Ask God for His Goals for the New Year
    Reen and I spend a Saturday in January prayerfully listing and writing down our goals for the year. It’s proven that goals when written are most often realized. They can positively shape your life.
  3. Find a Daily Devotional that Really Inspires You-
    Have you ever started a Bible reading plan that you read daily out of some sense of obligation or duty? You read the words, but they don’t penetrate your heart? Find a daily devotional you look forward to diving into with anticipation.

I begin my time with God each day by journaling my thoughts and concerns inn conversation with Him. Then I read a devotional of my choice. This year I am enjoying “Jesus Always: Embracing Joy in His Presence” by Sarah Young.  Next, I am currently reading a brief chapter in the book I recommended last week, Jennie Allen’s, “Made for This: 40 Days to Living Your Purpose.” Finally, I fill in the answer to one question each day in the study “Flourish” created by the Passion Church which I use for a study I facilitate by ZOOM with friends on Thursday mornings. You can find all these at Your Refreshed Life Books.  

Even if you only have 15 minutes to do one of these things, sit quietly discussing what you read with Jesus, ask questions, and listen to His answers as they touch your heart. It will transform your life. Find what works for you so you look forward to spending time with God each day as a delightful fellowship, not a dull and sterile ritual. If it feels dull and boring to you, how do you think it makes God feel? 😊

I hope these faith-based resolutions inspire you! We might actually be able to carry them out throughout the new year. Next week I’ll share three more. If we take them slowly and think about them carefully, they are more likely to become habits that change our lives for the better.  

In a world gone mad, what a blessing to find stability, love, security, and peace in the only One who can promise new life through His Son Jesus who then personally walks with us through life every day without fail. Someone once told me when I was much younger, “Jesus never said life would be easy. He simply promised He would be there.” Decades of His faithful Presence encourages me every day.

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