4 Steps for Discovering God’s Will 2

4 Steps for Discovering God’s Will (Part 2)

This week I was asked again to speak (as I have over the decades) to a group of Christian women. I always count it a privilege and honor. Each time I ask the Lord what His message is at this moment in history, for this generation, in this culture, and more specifically for this unique group of very cherished women. As I pray, look into His face, and read His Word, He always reveals His will and unfolds His message.

In the same way, discovering Your Refreshed Life (the life you were created to live) is an exciting opportunity for you to hear from God. It is a miracle as He reveals His will and purposes for you.

As we explored last week, the first two ways God reveals His will to us is:

  1. Spend Time Getting to Know God through His Word
  2. Listen to Hear His Voice

Today, we’ll look at two more ways God helps us know what He has for us as we seek to fulfill His purposes for our lives.

  1. Consult Trusted Friends

We don’t have to “do” the Christian life alone. When we believed, God made us part of His family, Jesus’ actual Body. And as we spend time with these family members, God uses them to give us insight and perspective. When you believe you heard from God and He gave you direction, tell those you trust and ask them to pray for you and with you to be certain to confirm that God has spoken. Listen to their thoughts and insight and then ask the Holy Spirit to confirm their words within you if they are from God before you act.

  1. Evaluate the Circumstances of Life-

I have seen it repeatedly in my life. When God wants to speak to you and is giving direction for next steps concerning His will, He often confirms it through the circumstances of life. Most recently in February when Reen’s doctor told him he must leave Colorado because of the toll the altitude was taking on his heart and lungs (causing AFib), we truly had no idea what was next or where to go. We honestly didn’t have a clue.

I remember during an especially meaningful worship service the last week we were in Colorado (having decided to store our furniture in Virginia while we visited surrounding cities in Virginia and Tennessee) I asked the Lord, “Father, please let us live somewhere where we can experience your Presence like this for the rest of our lives.” I was thinking of the Psalmist’s words, “Better is one day in your courts than a thousand elsewhere; I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of the wicked” (Psalm 64:10).

I bowed my head and as clear as crystal the word, “Chattanooga” came to mind (this has happened very few but very memorable times in my life). I was actually shocked because I had never even thought of Chattanooga and knew little about it.

After the service I told Reen what I had heard. Since it was so unexpected and possibly a whisper from the enemy misdirecting us, we prayerfully continued our previous plans to travel and look at VA and TN cities but added Chattanooga to the list. After prayerfully exploring each city, evaluating their the pros and cons, we visited Chattanooga. It was amazing. While first in Nashville, trusted Christian friends and strangers alike suggested we visit Chattanooga. 

When we arrived, it strangely felt like home. Though we had never been there before as we explored Chattanooga, we together felt that final peace that only Jesus can give… that “peace that passes all understanding” (Phil 4:7) settled in our hearts.

As you consider the four ways God reveals His will to us, choose to say “No” today to those things that distract you so you can say “Yes” to God! It’s a decision you’ll never regret!

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