Eight Fantastic Facts

As June ends, summer is only beginning. I hope this month’s blogs prepare you for an exciting and transformative summer! This month we’ve established the truth that we are able to control our thoughts and the way they affect our lives according to Paul’s challenge, “…take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (II Corinthians 10:5). It’s our choice. We are not victims of our own thinking or the enemy’s attempts to discourage and defeat. We truly are “more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).”

This Wednesday, a group of us who want to encourage and coach those around us begin a discussion of Dr. Caroline Leaf’s newest version (blue cover) of her book, “Switch on Your Brain” and workbook. As a Christian medical doctor focusing her career on the science of optimal mind-brain performance in areas of learning, toxic thoughts, stress, and mindful thinking, she highlights eight fascinating truths about the brain, a few of which were only recently discovered during the last several decades. These offer amazing hope for us as we grapple with the counterproductive and negative thinking we all experience at times.

In summary they are:

1.      The brain is malleable and capable of restoration and transformation. This disproves the previous thought that the brain is a fixed and hardwired machine “sealing our fate” if we struggle in any area.

2.      The brain is affected and can physically change (be renewed daily) based on what we choose to think about, building fresh networks surrounding positive or negative thought.

3.      We can consciously direct our thinking and wire out toxic thought patterns replacing them with healthy thoughts which heal our minds and can result in healing our physical bodies. Remember the Bible’s assertion that “A happy heart is good medicine, and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs17:22 Amp.).

4.      We have power over our own thoughts and choices, “the most powerful thing in the universe after God” writes Dr. Leaf and these choices affect how we view our life circumstances. This impacts not only us but those around us and ultimately the world.

5.      Neuroplacisity, by definition, means the brain is malleable, adaptable, and is literally changing moment by moment every day. You can change your mind and your life.

6.      Science is finally proving what the Bible has always stated, the brain renews itself. “Do not be conformed to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is…”( Romans 12”12).

7.      “Recognizing the responsibility and impact of our thinking and the resultant choices we make, has ramifications right down to the ways in which the genes of our bodies express themselves” writes Dr. Leaf. “The science of epigenetics (the signals including our thoughts, that affect the activity of our genes) …reminds me of the Scripture in Exodus 34:7,” Leaf continues. This is possibly what the Bible speaks of as affecting our children down to the fourth generation. It’s time to remove anything from our lives that produces consistent negative thinking patterns (murder mysteries, violent TV police shows, and any excessive “news watching” are my suggestions for removal) and replace these with positive, enriching material.

8.      Neurogenesis is the birth of the brain’s new baby nerve cells, produced during sleep each night, preparing the brain for moment by moment change every new day. God’s steadfast love and mercies really are new every morning in His great faithfulness (Lamentations 3:22-23).

If you’d like to join our book discussion group, particularly if you are interested in life coaching or encouraging others along life’s way, buy this book and workbook from our website and join us this Wednesday at 10 a.m. Eastern time by ZOOM. Have questions? Email me at linda@yourrefreshedlife.com so I can send you the link. Make this summer the best yet! I look forward to seeing you there.

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