Who is in Control?

Depression, anxiety, and hopelessness escalate like never before in our country. We watch the news and wonder, is there any hope? Will things turn around? Will prices ever fall? Will crime and evil dissipate? Is war imminent?

This month as we seek to deepen our “first love” relationship with Jesus, we are considering His character qualities. And right now is a wonderful time to remember there is Someone greater than anything this world holds, who ultimately knows everything we are experiencing (and will experience) and who is in control. He is supreme. He is Sovereign. He is God.

“Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power
    and the glory and the majesty and the splendor,
    for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, Lord, is the kingdom;
    you are exalted as head over all.” (Psalm 29:11).

And He is love. “Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love” (I John 4:8). He expressed that love by giving His only Son who lived to model the life God offers us, who died to cover the death sentence for our sin, and then who rose again so we can experience the fullness of life…real life…Jesus.

Myrna Alexander in her book, “Behold Your God,” writes, “What could be more encouraging to us than to know that the God of love is perfectly in control of all things? He reigns supreme over …the political situations that affect us. God is in control of all things, and He can never make a mistake. “This God- His way is perfect” (Psalm 18:30).

So, know when things seem out of control and frightening, you do not need to be afraid. Turn to God and remember who He is and that you can trust Him. Sarah Young, in her book “Jesus Calling,” encourages us to do something very helpful and faith-building. When life and circumstances feel overwhelming, say in your heart, whisper in a prayer, or loudly proclaim throughout the day as many times as you need to, “Jesus, I trust you. Jesus, I trust You.”

I’ve done it. It works. When my heart is troubled, I say these words and peace suddenly enfolds me like a warm blanket… I imagine Jesus’ arms holding me and giving me strength. I remember He is God and I am not. I can trust Him.

I hope you will email and let me know how we can pray for you. As part of the Your Refreshed Life family we care about you and would love to know how to pray more specifically for your needs as we journey together in this life. Contact me at info {@} yourrefreshedlife.com

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