Three Minutes to Encourage Yourself


Last week we spent a wonderful week in Seattle, WA seeing our granddaughter graduate from high school. All our family was there. It was such a joy to be together.  Finally, after enduring a 15-hour day in airports and on airplanes we returned to Chattanooga. The next day meant emptying suitcases, washing, and putting everything away as we settled back at home.

The third day, everything was in place, and the quiet descended. Instead of being welcomed, it brought with it loneliness and depression.

As I sought God’s Presence and comfort I was reminded of David. After a really tough time in his life we read, “But David encouraged himself in the Lord His God,” (I Samuel 30:6). It is possible to encourage ourselves when we feel low and be strengthened by the Lord. Here are three ways to do this only taking a moment:

  1. Remember You are Never Alone– Jesus’ parting words were for all of us confined to earth for the span of a lifetime, “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age,”( Matthew 28:20). He is not only with us but in us. When we believe He fills us with His Spirit to dwell within us always. He is forever present closer than our very breathe.
  1. Do the Next Thing- Elisabeth Elliot, the widow of martyred missionary Jim Elliot, repeated her mother’s words after his death, “Pick up the broom. Do the next thing.”  I began to plan the upcoming week and remembered the things I needed to accomplish, reminded of the rich, full life God gives us here in Chattanooga.
  1. Consider the Positive- Remember the old song, “Count your blessings, name them one by one. Count your blessings, see what God has done…”  Amazingly, gratitude and thanksgiving for the many things God has done, lifts the soul and lightens the spirit. When I mentioned to Reen I was feeling a little blue, he reminded me to remember all the Lord did in enabling us to go to Seattle both timewise and financially, His Presence and care throughout the trip, and then finally Reen began listing all the daily miracles we’ve seen the Lord perform in the last year since we moved here. My spirits lifted and the void I felt before was filled with gratitude.

All this took about three minutes. It’s amazing how God comes near to us in our time of need and fills us with His presence, hope, and peace. As chaos and trouble erupts around us, we can find our strength and encouragement in the Lord. We, like David, can encourage ourselves in the Lord where true and rich encouragement lies. May you be encouraged today! If this blog encouraged you, please let us know. Email us. May Your Refreshed Life be a rich and fulfilling one this week!

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