Experiencing Resurrection Today?

Have you ever held exaggerated dreams or unrealistic expectations only to have them dashed due to life experiences? I think of my much-loved grandson who in the last year miraculously recovered from an almost fatal motorcycle crash. I think of all the dreams, hopes, and vision he may have previously held for his future that are now impossible due to his injuries. Yet, he admits the injuries are the consequences of his own poor choice…a very mature perspective for a young man.

I was so touched last week when we visited Seattle to hear my grandson talk about the fact that rather than focusing on the impossibilities, he is mentally reminding himself daily of the infinite possibilities that remain. You can imagine how proud we are of him!

It reminded me of a phrase I heard in the 70’s from the speaker, Bill Gothard. I didn’t agree with everything he taught, but the phrase, “Death of a Vision” resonated within me. The premise of the phrase is rebirth of opportunity follows the death of a vision. Only when there is death, can there be resurrection and new life.

Sometimes that may be death to our wants, our dreams, and our demands. The Bible describes this as death to ourselves…our selfish desires, ambitions, and activities that oppose the plans and desires God prepares for us.

I was struck with something Paul said which I only began to truly understood yesterday. This verse in the Bible baffled me. I never could quite grasp it’s meaning? He wrote, “I want to know Christ—yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings, becoming like him in his death,and so, somehow, attaining to the resurrection from the dead,” ( Phil. 3:10-11).

I always wondered, Why would anyone desire to experience suffering? Christ’s suffering was horrific. Why would anyone want to participate in His sufferings?

 For the first time I read this verse in a Biblical paraphrase. It read, “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead. I want to suffer with him, sharing in his death, so that one way or another I will experience the resurrection from the dead! ( Phil. 3:10-11 NLT).

It suddenly struck me. Without death there is no resurrection. Resurrection can only occur after a death takes place. And don’t we all want to live the resurrected life Jesus offers us now and in heaven?

So, now when I experience the “death of a vision” whether a disappointment, failure, or defeat, I will thank the Lord. I will accept it was not His desire for me, something that might do me more harm than good. And instead, I will look to the resurrection He desires to arise from the loss.  I will anticipate with joy His future plans, opportunities, and possibilities…resurrection! Join me, won’t you?

Please email me with your thoughts on this topic. Can I pray for you as you face life’s inevitable disappointments ? Can I encourage you as you anticipate God’ special replacement plans? I look forward to hearing from you as you pursue “Your Refreshed Life.”

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