Seven Questions to Ask When Determining Your Core Values

As I watched the news this week, I listened to one government official attempt to convince the public that holding a group of young people accountable for criminally stealing through violent “smash and grab” thievery, is inappropriate. They are merely victims deserving our sympathy. No accountability was to be initiated for their behavior.

Life proves decisions we make and actions we take result in consequences. The Bible defines some very clear values instituted by our Creator who knows exactly what is best for us in our desire to experience a fulfilling life. Stealing is not one of these values.

Alexander Hamilton once said these telling words, “Those who stand for nothing, fall for anything.” When you identify strong personal core beliefs, you establish the bedrock of your life. You build a strong foundation upon those non-negotiable ideas, concepts, and values that define who you are and what you regard above all else.

Core values serve as the basic building blocks for your personal identity, actions, direction, and sense of purpose. These put rails to your life which keep you on track and focused.

So, what are your core values? Here are seven questions to ask yourself:

  1. Which of these values resonates with you as you read them?
Dependability HonestyGenerosityGratitudeFamily
Well-being         CreativitySelf-respectPersonal Growth

Choose the ones that most accurately describe your inner feelings and behaviors.

  1. Who are the 3-5 people in your life you most admire and what is their lasting impression? Describe these role models and the values they represent to you.
  1. What core values do you see demonstrated in examining the two most positive and negative experiences in your life? What caused you to feel the way you do about each?
  1. What is most important to you in life and why? What core values are represented?
  1. Describe two of the most powerful experiences in your childhood and ask yourself why they were so important. What core values are contained in these experiences?
  1. On what truths will you never compromise regardless of anything or anyone?
  1. Ask trusted friends, “What do you most value about me?” These are usually true to the core of who you are and represent cherished core values.

When you define what actions, beliefs, and values are central to you, life becomes simpler because you know what lines you will and will not cross. Remember these wise words from Proverbs 24:3, “Through (skillful and godly) wisdom a house (a life, home, a family) is built.” Taking the time to seriously develop your core values is essential to building Your Refreshed Life and is not something to take lightly.

Your essential core values can help you make wise decisions, avoid potentially harmful or disturbing choices, and maintain your personal integrity. As you define your core values, if you have any questions, please contact us at We’d love to hear from you!

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