finding joy

Finding Joy

Yesterday, I got my nails “done.” In case you’re unfamiliar with the South, it’s something women are expected to do, and I comply only when there is a special occasion, normally considering it an extravagance. I would not even mention this to you but something very remarkable happened while I was at the salon.

I sat beside a stranger whose name I later learned was Tina, a lovely, petite, 50 something, perky blonde. They called her Pat at the salon, confusing her with her mother who often accompanied her in the past and just died two weeks ago. (Tina mentioned to the nail technician in a wistful voice that everyone wore Candy Apple Red nail polish as the funeral because it was her mother’s favorite).

Tina mentioned that she and her husband were going to the Caribbean for 10 days over Thanksgiving to “get away” after her mother’s death. The technician asked her, “Oh! Are you going there to meet family or be with family?” 

Tina responded, “No, it’s just us. We don’t have any family. They all died in Covid.”

Silence. The weight of that statement hit hard. Sitting only inches from her I finally spoke. “I couldn’t help but overhear what you just said.  I am so sorry. Did you lose children, grandchildren, parents…?”

“We don’t have any children. But we lost aunts and uncles… all our family.” She paused. “We’ve lost eleven family members in the last two years.” 

The brutality of that statement struck me to the core. My heart ached for her. I couldn’t even imagine that level of loss.  

“That must be so hard,” I replied.

We went on to chat about other things and I asked her if we might get together with she and her husband when they return since they know and love Chattanooga and we are new. She took my card representing “Your Refreshed Life” with a sad smile. I do pray she calls. 

As we move into the Christmas season, I am reminded of those who are not celebrating this year…who have experienced losses possibly more than we can comprehend.

At the same time, upon reflection, I am remembering in Christ there is joy, regardless of circumstances… a supernatural, unexplainable joy promised us by God no matter what we face in this life. It is a joy only found in Jesus. 

Jesus tells us, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world. [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.]” ( John 16:33). 

Let’s discuss this further this month. Let’s talk about joy. And as we meet many throughout the holiday season, let’s remember that we may be the smile, the kindness, the joy God uses to touch a life who is deeply hurting at this time with losses we can’t possibly understand.

Praying for all of you my readers and friends. Please write me at and tell me your story so I can pray for you.Blessings!

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