healthy body 2025 Your Refreshed Life

Healthy 2025 and Beyond

This month Reen and I are using a book I found on the internet, Food Meets Faith by Isabel D. Price, a nutritionist. It is excellent because it focuses on God’s concern for our bodies as we fulfill His plans for our life in a first week daily devotional. Then it teaches good nutritional practices, so we understand foods that are good for the body and those that are not, while offering a four-week meal plan with food properly blended and weekly grocery lists. It’s easy! And that’s what we need with our busy lives…easy!

There is food prep involved but we’re learning, as we did during the pandemic, to prepare for the week’s meals by working together grocery shopping on weekends, chopping needed vegetables ahead of the day’s demands, and sharing the creation of some meals. I’m great at cooking while Reen enjoys mixing smoothies in the blender and serving salads with already chopped veggies when needed. We discovered during the pandemic and are rediscovering again we actually enjoy meal prep together!

Since January 20, 2025 when we began, Reen lost eight pounds and I’ve lost five. YAY!

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