Clearing Out Dead Wood

I am ready for spring, aren’t you? Every day when I look out at my backyard, I get more anxious for warmer weather. One reason we bought our home a year ago was that it backs up to 100-acres of undevelopable woodland. And, like most guys, I love the woods!

What I do not like is the fallen timbers and rotting branches the prior owner failed to remove. Over the years, these deadfalls became an overgrown, tangled mess. Even worse, many tree branches are wrapped in boa-constrictor like monkey grape vines. These can kill the trees by pulling them down. (If these are in your tress, research them and get rid of them!)

Clearly, this mass of decay did not happen overnight. Much of the damage begins underground, out of sight. In much the same way, if you are not careful, the seeds of your own downfall can be sprouting out of sight! God sees us and all the things that we see and do, and there are no secrets from Him! Proverbs 15:3 says, “The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.” And Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 expands this point by saying, “God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether it is good or whether it is evil.”

Loners do not survive well in the wild, nor do we Christians do well on our own. Do you belong to a small group? Do you have an accountability partner or male friend who can hold you accountable and discuss issues with you?

Don’t forget… the God who sees all your actions is the same God who is close to love, forgive, and help you. Just remember Romans 10:13, “All who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” While this generally applies to salvation, I think it is also true to say that it also applies when you are challenged or tempted.

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