Being More Loving

You might not expect to see the topic of demonstrating love covered in a man’s column. However, coming from my own men’s group this morning, this was the key point that got my attention from the morning’s talk!

Movies like Rambo and Iron Man portray men as bold, brave, and fearless. However, they aren’t accurate portrayals. While men are designed to be bold, brave, and fearless, God also designed us to be tender, compassionate, and loving.

Jesus is the perfect model for manly, sacrificial, and genuine love. At the Last Supper He gave the disciples a new suggestion…oops…COMMANDMENT. This was not merely a nice idea or thought to consider. Jesus lays out a new marching order,”

I am giving you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, so you too are to love one another. By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you have love and unselfish concern for one another.” (John 13:34-35 AMP)

Jesus’ instruction was to love as HE loved others. This love is from the Greek word “Agape” which is not about emotion but instead of an intentional unselfish act to benefit others. It is loving with the desire to seek the best for another. And this would be our most powerful testimony to witness to the love of Christ.

So, how do we apply this to our own lives? How can we apply this to our marriages, families, work, church, and neighborhood? Well, for me, and I’m, being vulnerable here, when Linda asks me to do something to help her, my goal in 2023 is to be more willing to sacrificially serve her. To be honest, sometimes when she asks for help, I tend to grouse a bit or slowly get around to helping her. While we have a great marriage (about to enter our 20th year), it can always be better. And this is one clear way I plan on loving her more intentionally.

What about you? How can you live out Christ’s love more tangibly to those in your circle of friends, family, and neighbors? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please e-mail me at

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