What’s Your Target?

It’s hunting season– the time of year that gets men “all fired up!” No matter what you set your sights on–deer, elk, upland game, or waterfowl– it’s an addictive time. And with cooler fall weather and daylight savings time kicking in it makes things even more electric!

With my move to Colorado, hunting season’s out this year. However, if I were still back in Maryland, I’d be hitting the woods HARD during the peak of the rut. But there are times when God removes something in our life for a season so He can refocus us on higher purposes. While deer hunting for me is a pursuit in which I invest an enormous amount of time, it also is when my focus shifts from eternal things to my desire for venison and a trophy. This year, with a “God-detour,” I’m focusing on my writing and “hunting” for the position He has for me here.

So, “What’s your target this fall?” No matter what you hunt, with a little intention you can use this pursuit to help another person connect with God. Is there a hunting partner with whom you spend a lot of time hunting… but have never shared your testimony? Could you invite a guy at work to hunt with you so you can get to know him and open a door for the gospel? Is there a child at home who you could include in your hobby(ok, obsession) and spend quality time together…during which you can weave in the subject of personal faith? Is there a family you know who is struggling financially and would benefit from some of the game you harvest?

Let me encourage you this fall is to use your hobby for a higher purpose to share what a difference being a Christian makes in your life. Your story, the testimony of what God has done in your life, is the most potent arrow in your quiver. Its also the most natural and easiest thing to share! For instance, here’s an easy question to weave into a conversation,

”Bill, I’m excited we get to head to the woods today to hopefully kill a big buck. Did you ever wonder where you’d end up if your safety belt breaks and you die?”

If you’d like some tips on using hunting for higher purposes…or would like help developing or sharing your testimony, shoot me an e-mail at reen.waterman@navigators.org or call me at (410) 708-9957.

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