Unspeakable Topics

Dear Friends,

I am privileged this fall to facilitate two groups of women hungry to learn more about God and ways to live our Christian life in the current culture—this is the foundation of discipleship.

Wednesday Morning Virtual Group at 10 a.m. Eastern Time
Through Zoom I gathered group of women from Virginia., South Carolina, Colorado, and Ohio to learn to be life coaches. Recently a ministry coaching young women asked one member of our group to work as a business coach with their “clients.” She soon discovered the deep needs of some of these young women. Some desperately sought to escape from human trafficking and another group to return to their original gender after transgender changes. Sadly, these issues are subjects rarely spoken of in church and yet are far more rampant in our culture than anyone admits.

Thankfully, a dear friend who worked on my Women’s Ministry team in Illinois when I was Women Ministries Director joined our group this past week and shared more about both subjects. She is a health care professional who for thirteen years worked to help women escape human trafficking. Her warning that prevention is far more successful than recovery encouraged us to keep our young girls from TikTok and other social media avenues targeted by individuals. These predators stalk young girls and receive huge paychecks for building relationships with girls who come from broken homes, are in social services, or have become estranged and loners. They then meet up with them to kidnap them and receive bonuses for every girl they capture.

We also learned how many girls are now seeking to return to their actual gender, having been persuaded by the “woke” culture at an incredibly early age to change genders. We were deeply troubled to learn that it has become popular for mothers now to proudly announce they have the first transgender child on the block.

While this is disturbing information and not the normally positive and encouraging content I normally share, I only share these things so we wake up and realize there are an enormous number of hurting people all around us who need the love and acceptance of Jesus Christ in a dark and troubling culture. I also share this so that we can protect the young girls and women in your family, church, and community.

Please contact me if you are interested in either professionally or personally helping women around you. We invite you to join our group! We learn, laugh, and grow together weekly in gratitude to God that He has brought us together and allows us the privilege of representing Him by touching the lives of those in a hurting and broken culture.

Thursday Morning and Evening Virtual Bible Studies
Also, I count it a privilege to facilitate two Zoom Bible Study Groups (morning and evening) of women from Maryland, Washington state, and South Carolina who love Jesus and truly want to learn how to help other women grow to know Jesus more intimately and become disciple makers who make and grow new disciples in response to Jesus command, “Go and make disciples,” (Matthew 28:19-20).

We use the Navigator curriculum “Design for Discipleship” and are excited to grow in practical and simple ways to obey Jesus on His final command to us as believers. We would love for you to join us!

If you are interested in joining either group as we begin afresh this month with new materials (or would like to start fresh in January after the holidays) please contact me at Linda@yourrefreshedIife.com. I would be delighted to hear from you and promise you won’t be disappointed!

God has more to share with each of us daily if we only seek Him with all our heart!

Blessings, Linda

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