Healthy Relationship Hack #8: Choose Encouraging Words

Reen naturally possesses a tremendous gift that I acknowledge and seek to emulate daily. Without effort or prior consideration, Reen speaks encouraging words every day in almost every circumstance. We can be in the grocery store and immediately he comments to the checkout lady, who is a total stranger to both of us, “Your smile is a gift today. Thanks for demonstrating such excellent customer service.”

Or when we see a policeman, again a total stranger he’s never seen before, he stops and says, “I just wanted to stop and thank you for your service.” The Bible describes Barnabas as possessing this gift, “Joseph, a Levite from Cyprus, whom the apostles called Barnabas (which means “son of encouragement”), sold a field he owned and brought the money and put it at the apostles’ feet.” (Acts 4: 36-37).

SO, there are those who have this gift but we are also encouraged by God in many places in the Bible, whether we have that gift or not, to encourage one another, “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. ( I Thess. 5:11)

Our challenge becomes, if this is not our first response in situations, how to encourage each other, particularly in the relationships we cherish most?
Here are some tips:

  1. Make a list – Literally make a list of encouraging words and thoughts you can share with those you love. Here are 200+ I found when I googled, “words of encouragement.”
  2. Fill in the blanks – Use the following sentence and fill in your own words. “Your kindness (thoughtfulness, listening skills, smile, laugh, etc.) is something I’ve noticed and really admire (appreciate, am grateful for, etc.) about you.”
  3. Listen to others – When others compliment you or those near them, take note. How did they do it? How can you do the same?

Take time to comment on things you really appreciate about someone whether it is how they help you cook, clean the house, make you laugh, or remind you to rest. As you begin the hunt for new and creative ways to encourage those you love, before you know it you begin to appreciate them more than you may imagine.

Healthy Relationship Hacks are indispensable for living Your Refreshed Life. Start creating your own today!

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