Make Every Day Valentine’s Day!

Well, guys, get your wallets out—its Valentines Day! We’re all about to shell out more than $26 Billion for roses, jewelry, chocolates, clothes, and fancy dinners! (And no…Bass Pro gift cards are not acceptable!)

I like that there is one day a year to honor our loved ones. But let’s be real…just one day a year? I know how much Linda does for me, and how precious she is. I repeatedly tell her that, “I wouldn’t be me without you.” She has made me a more godly man, a better writer, and a more loving person.

I admit I am not the most romantic of men, but I try. Once I made a hand-painted sign for our front yard that read “Every day is Valentine’s Day with you, Linda.” And yes, more than a few husbands on my block got mad at me, but I didn’t care.

Showing your special loved one you care for them and appreciate them doesn’t have to break the bank. But it does take intentionality. And sometimes some self-sacrifice. Granted, when we courted our wives we did go all out–we dressed better, took them to nice restaurants, and even sent cards. So isn’t it time we began courting our spouses all over again???

So, what are you going to do to honor your wife on Feb 14th? AND more importantly, how can you intentionally carry this forward throughout the year?  That’s a challenge not just for you, but me also! So, let’s go for it!

Comment from Linda: Reen really does do what he writes, and he makes me feel loved every day. None of us are perfect but each of us can work to intentionally show our love. And men, when you do…you melt our hearts and make us only want to show you love all the more. Trust me men, it’s worth it. There is nothing more wonderful than a healthy, loving, happy marriage. I can testify that this is true!”

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