A Time For Everything

While working in my garage last Saturday, I heard a strange tapping at the outside base of my garage door. Perplexed at what this could be, I pressed the garage door opener button and was surprised to see a small yellow and black mottled box turtle!

This turtle was unsuccessfully trying to get into my garage. I went over, picked him (or her?) up and gently placed it in the grass, facing the woods where it truly belonged. Off it went.

This comical incident was the perfect metaphor, reminding me of my prolonged season trying with all my might to open career doors…fields where I thought I belonged. But, God, in His infinite mercy, refused to open these doors. And like my gentle redirecting of the turtle, God consistently and patiently redirected me toward the pursuits He uniquely designed me to fulfill.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 says, “There is a season (a time appointed) for everything and a time for every delight and event or purpose under heaven.” Maybe you are in one of those seasons in life, work, marriage, or family relationships that no matter how hard you tap, doors will not open. If so, take heart and wait on God! Maybe your door will open in time, or maybe God is preparing to propel you in a new direction.

Revelations 3:7 is a verse to cling to when the doors just are not opening. It reads, “These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open.” This is a verse to pray asking God to open the right door that no one can close and close the one that no one—including you—can push open.

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