7 Steps to Certainty

Recently, I heard someone say, “As a result of 2020, the most prevailing emotion in our culture is uncertainty.” After serious thought, I believe they’re correct. From the moment the pandemic hit, every day seemed to bring new issues and concerns that made us feel the earth beneath our feet shaking.

So, many of us are breathing a sigh of relief that 2020 is finally over! And yet, we know everything is not suddenly going to return to “normal” because a new calendar year has dawned. So as we face 2021 with continued uncertainty, how can we re-establish a sense of certainty?

The following are “7 Steps to Certainty” that can enable you to find both an anchor for stability and rudder for direction as you experience Your Refreshed Life this New Year. In the midst of uncertainty you can celebrate the wonder of new starts and fresh beginnings in 2021! Here are the first two steps:

  1. Create Simple Routines-

Uncertainty produces a floundering sense of being out of control. We begin feeling like a ball in a pinball machine, struck and bounced by the circumstances that confront us. When so many things are out of our control, it’s helpful to create routines and systems that provide structure and stability to our lives. God promises that He is the “stability of our times” and He illustrates this through the examples of the routine rising of the sun and repetition of seasons. Routines give form and structure to our seemingly chaotic lives.

Reen and I noticed we had stopped setting the alarm clock for a particular time to awaken in the morning and gradually forgotten our commitment to a morning walk to start our day. We are now re-incorporating these into our lives to put routines in place for 2021.

  1. Set Personal Goals

As most of you know, Reen and I take an afternoon or sometimes a weekend each January to set goals for the New Year. We did this yesterday setting Financial, Physical, Personal Development, Family Relationships, Spiritual, Social, and Career Goals for 2021.

At first, Reen struggled to engage in the process. He felt overwhelmed as he seeks to rebuild a real estate business in this technology driven marketplace, but as we took the time to prayerfully consider each area of our lives, we were both energized by the many opportunities possible even in this new pandemic world.

Stay Tuned for Blog #3 Next Week entitled, “Know God as Never Before.”

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