Freedom From Perfectionism

I don’t know about you, but I struggle with perfectionism. It’s not so much something I expect of others-it’s something I expect of myself. I can trace it back to my childhood. I was raised by a perfectionistic father (whose need for structure and order demanded perfection from himself and all he encountered) and a mother whose German work ethic expected perfection in every area. But blaming them doesn’t help me with my problem at all.

It is simply a reality that I am rarely satisfied with my own performance. I know in my heart that no one is perfect but Jesus. I also know in my mind I will never be perfect. I even realize that my perfectionism flies in the face of God Himself if I refuse to embrace His absolute acceptance and complete love for me by feeling like I never measure up. It all comes down to a simple truth…God forgives sin so who am I not to forgive myself?

Sometimes I overcome these thoughts and feelings, and at other times I fall again into the same traps. I have shared the belief that God sees us as without sin and white as snow in this month’s blogs because I needed to remember and claim this truth again myself. I face it not because I am grappling with some terrible sin, but because true freedom is found only by living in the truth that before God we are forgiven, cleansed, whole and complete in Jesus.

As one speaker recently said, “This is not a concept to be believed, but experienced and lived! When we do we are free to live and move in the power of the Holy Spirit, loving and living like Jesus.” Preoccupation with ourselves, even in an attempt to be somehow perfect, causes us to be self-conscious rather than Christ-conscious. We’re shackled by our own preoccupation with sin rather than free to live in His Presence obediently.

Do you ever feel this way? Do you ask for forgiveness over and again rather than thank God for the forgiveness He has already granted? I imagine that many of you do. I know this from speaking to thousands of women over these many years.

Or do you see Him, smile on His face, granting approval as He looks upon you, His precious child. Actually this month has helped me experience this reality again.
So how can this reality penetrate our lives? How can it free us completely from the need to perform for God and work to gain the approval He has already granted?

Here are 5 Steps to Freedom from Perfectionism:

  1. Search for the truth. I believe we have to go to the Bible and find the Scripture verses that reiterate the truths of His love and the wonder of Jesus’ redemption.
    “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.” (Romans 8:1-2)
  2. Memorize the truth. I believe the next step is to memorize one or more of these Scriptures. When we memorize the truth of the Word of God, it settles deeply within us transforming us from the inside out.
    “I have hidden your word in my heart,
    that I might not sin against you.” (Psalm 199:11)
  3. Implement the truth. When the enemy of our souls attempts to drag us back into the trap of perfectionism, we can as Jesus did when tempted by the devil, say, “It is written.” And quote the Word of God back to him, driving him away since when we resist, he must flee.
    Jesus answered, It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ (Matthew 4:4)
  4. Prepare for Battle. We, as Christians, too often grow passive or lethargic, forgetting that we are in a spiritual battle every day. We need to put on the armor of God as defined in Ephesians 6 after we awaken, prepared to identify and combat the enemy’s subtle and overt attacks on our soul, our hearts, and our lives.
  5. Rest in the Truth. Finally, we can remain vigilant and still rest in Jesus. God expects us to rest in His Presence trusting the Holy Spirit to act on our behalf while welcoming the peace that comes from His promise, “The battle is mine says the Lord.” (II Chronicles 20:15)

With Paul we can exclaim, Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord!…. (Romans 7:- Romans 8:1-2)

Join me this week in the fight against perfectionism by asking God to give you a new awareness of His complete acceptance, approval, and love for you, His precious child, through nothing you could do but instead through Jesus Christ, His Son.

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