How Hodgkin’s disease Saved My Life

It seemed there was only one word that seemed to describe how I really felt…weary. My life became one of managing everything at home (as my first husband worked 24/7 often missing meals and coming in late at night), while caring for my three children who were active, growing, and demanding as are all children who need their mother.

At the same time, I was a pastor’s wife of a mission church, so I spent my life filling in any and all gaps. I could simultaneously be teaching Sunday School, leading a Woman’s Bible study, playing the piano, directing the choir as well as singing in it, planning and implementing Vacation Bible School (not to mention teaching piano lessons) and the list went on and on…

I loved my family. I loved the ministry. But I was “plain, worn out” as they used to say in the farm community where we lived. “Weary,” summed it up for me.

And then a very strange thing happened. After Sarah, my third child, was born, I went into the doctor’s office for her 6 -month check-up. The doctor seemed very uncomfortable as he explained that something appeared on an earlier ultrasound during the pregnancy, but he didn’t want to disturb the pregnancy so he didn’t tell me. He now felt he must let me know- I had Hodgkin’s Disease.

To say I was devastated would be an understatement. After 2 weeks of weeping in desperation at the thought that I would never see my children grow up, graduate, marry etc., I took an action I will never regret. I felt the Lord Jesus encourage me to stop everything. I needed to be home with my family and stop all that I was doing outside the home. It was time I found out what I needed to do with my time and what I needed to release. I quickly began to understand that It was time to learn to say, “No.”

This month I will share the three things God taught me through this experience and how it all ended. But for today, I encourage you to begin asking God if the way you are using your time is enabling you to fulfill His will for your life…or are you missing His will altogether. Jesus tells us, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5)

“Apart from Me you can do nothing.” Wow! Are you doing a lot of “good” things that were never intended by God for you to do? Are the things you do His best? Ask Him. I can guarantee He is waiting to answer.

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