Encourage Someone Today!

Hi! This is Reen and I’m writing about encouraging one another (as I continue encouraging Linda by writing the blogs this month!). We all have spiritual gifts that God equips us with to minister to each other and reach out to the world. For me, encouragement is my top spiritual gift.
Even if you don’t consider yourself an encourager, you can still impact another’s life by choosing to step outside of your own comfort zone to make a kind comment or beam a genuine smile. Unbelievably…this simple act may be just the thing that saves someone’s life! (I once read about a person who was planning to commit suicide but because a stranger simply acknowledged him with a smile it validated to him that he mattered to someone… so he changed his self-destructive plans!)
So, what does “encourage” mean? To encourage is defined as “to give courage, hope, or confidence to someone.” It also means to embolden, cheer up, or inspire hope. Now, isn’t that something we can all use, especially in the challenging world we are now experiencing?
As Linda knows, I am the guy in the checkout line who talks to the clerk or person behind us every time. Recently, at the grocery store I engaged the high school clerk and had an impactful 5-minute conversation. When he couldn’t find an item of produce on his register produce list, he called himself “stupid.”  I couldn’t let that pass so I told him anyone could make that mistake.
I encouraged him by further adding, “You are a one-of-a-kind God-made masterpiece. So, don’t ever call yourself stupid and don’t ever compare yourself to anyone. If you want to compete with someone else, compete with yourself and make tomorrow a better day for yourself.” He gave me a broad smile and thank you. While I may never see him again, I’m glad I chose to speak into his life at a moment when he really needed to be encouraged.
Two of my favorite encouragement verses in the Bible are:

  • “Therefore, encourage and comfort one another and build up one another.” (1 Thessalonians 5:11 AMP)
  • And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” (Hebrews 10:24 NIV)

These are clear and straightforward instructions we can follow. It takes only a few minutes and maybe slight discomfort (especially if you’re an introvert) because it’s not usually what people do. But cheering up a friend in Christ or making nice comment to a stranger cost us nothing and could literally change his or her life. Your simple encouragement could open the door to sharing the encouraging love God offers us all.
So, in closing,  who can you reach out to this week with a card, e-mail, phone call, or text? Who do you encounter regularly behind the checkout counter, post office desk, or at the restaurant you frequent often? The opportunities are endless to share  a little infusion of faith, hope, or courage. All it takes is to be more cognizant of others and share the encouragement of a loving God to a challenged world.

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