Opportunity-the 3rd Key to Prospering
Hello dear friends and readers. If Linda and I have piqued your curiosity with keys to being able to P.R.O.S.P.E.R. in 2023, then read on as we continue on our journey. Just to review:
P.-Pray. Praying for the Lord to open new doors and opportunities is the first and most essential key to prosper.
R.-Respond. If God prompts you to say or do something, choose to obey….and leave the results to Him.
The third key to PROSPER is:
O.-Open Your Eyes to New Opportunities. Two years ago, I contacted the publisher of a regional newspaper and commented on how sparse the content in the real estate section had become. As a successful real estate agent and solid writer, I offered to write a real estate column that would attract more readers. To my pleasant surprise, he agreed and after several months I even began to get paid! This was all because I simply saw an opportunity and made an approach. I never set out to become a newspaper columnist, but instead seized an opportunity.
In hindsight, we can all probably remember things we wish we had said, done, or acted upon. But while we can’t go back, we can look forward and be prepared to act. To be honest, many opportunities will stretch and grow you—but that’s not a bad thing. Joseph was not trained to be the Prime Minister of the most powerful nation on earth. He could easily have said, “Thanks, but I’m not qualified.” And Moses sure tried to turn God down when told to free the Israelites from captivity—but thankfully, God wouldn’t take “No” for an answer!
I love Apostle Paul’s directions, when considering opportunities, “Conduct yourself with wisdom in your interactions with outsiders (non-believers), make the most of each opportunity [treating it as something precious]” (Colossians 4:5 AMP).
While we are talking about prospering, the greatest prosperity we can share with someone is Jesus Christ. In being aware of new opportunities, you may be able to create a relationship that leads to opening a door of faith for someone.
If you seek to prosper in any area this year, it is essential to maintain a keen awareness of things, people, and circumstances that you encounter. I love what pastor and author Tony Evans writes, “Our God is sovereign. That means there’s no such thing as luck. Anything that happens to you, good or bad, must pass through His fingers first.”
Therefore, you never know when you will have a “God appointment.” If you remain conscious and alert to who you may meet or how you can help someone, you will dramatically increase your opportunities in life. Let’s watch for God’s wonderful opportunities in 2023!