The 5th Key to P.R.O.S.P.E.R. — Providing Added Value

Hello again, dear friends. Linda and I wanted to say how much we appreciate your readership. It blesses us to see weekly how many of you open and read our blogs.

This week we are talking about the effective tool of “Providing Added Value.” We just experienced the perfect example several days ago.  Before moving to Colorado Springs, everyone told us we must go see the Broadmoor Hotel. It was an experience rarely paralleled, they promised! So, for our weekly Friday Date Night, we went to lunch at one of their restaurants.

Yes, it was interesting, elegant, and definitely, a “step above.” But the thing that impressed us the most was after asking for a bag for our leftovers. Instead of giving us a takeout container, they took our food to the kitchen, boxed it up elegantly, provided actual metal silverware, added more rolls to our bread, and then brought this to our table in a gorgeous shopping bag.

I can think of another example closer to home. Early in our marriage, I admitted to Linda I hadn’t always done my best work in school. I conditioned myself that while I could readily achieve the A’s, I became satisfied with the “Easy B.”

But what I learned from observing all of Linda’s work and relationships transformed me. She always does her best no matter what she tackles. And she is thorough. Even if time and effort seem above and beyond to others, she goes the extra mile.

One of our Waterman Communications Group (WCG) clients (see below) recently marveled at her effort in creating a report he requested. She later learned he was expecting an evaluation of a few pages, but she wrote 40 pages of inciteful and detailed information, researched and documented with auxiliary quotes and illustrations.

I realized doing excellent work not only achieves more positive results than “getting by,” but Linda models Paul’s words, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters,” (Colossians 3:23). When working for God, we don’t take shortcuts but instead work with excellence and go above and beyond the expected as a witness to our faith.

So, if you want to prosper in relationships, ask yourself, “How can I provide added value?” If you want to be promoted at work, think to yourself, “How can I add value and be an asset to the organization even making myself more promotable?” If you are witnessing to neighbors, consider demonstrating your faith in action by shoveling their snow-covered driveway or mowing their lawn when they are out of town.

Providing added value not only gives you a sense of confidence and completeness but quite honestly, can be fun! One thing is for sure…the person you do this for will feel the impact if done for Jesus first and foremost.

As we work together to make 2023 the best year yet, we’d love to hear your story of added value. Or the story of someone who added value to your life. Write me at I’ll look forward to hearing from you!

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