7 Steps to Certainty: Step 5 – Make Up Your Mind

After the year we’ve all endured, uncertainty seemed to become our daily norm. But God wants us to find certainty in Him, so here are “7 Steps to Certainty” as we begin the New Year.

They include:

1.    Create Simple Routines.

2.    Set Personal Goals.

3.    Know God as Never Before.

4.    Pursue Personal Health and Wellness.

We’re told the greatest battle we’ll ever win is first fought in our mind. Our brains are amazing instruments and battles are won or lost in our thinking long before our will and choices follow. Our Creator God knows this so as we seek certainty in uncertain times, today we discuss what fills our minds.

5.    Make Up Your Mind-

It’s amazing how many thoughts we have in a day. Research seems to show that the mind thinks between 60,000-80,000 thoughts a day equaling about 2,500-3,300 thoughts an hour. Imagine the impact it would have on your life if you chose to think positive, encouraging, and good thoughts.

This fact proves just one more reason not to waste too much time watching the daily news. As I heard one writer explain on his podcast, the entire focus of the media is to not only to discover but often create problems that they can then exploit to gain your attention. They not only want to find these problems, but also make sure they become your problem. “Never let a good crisis go to waste” is their motto, so that they can display it proudly ‘at the top of the hour.’

It’s not surprising that God places so much importance on our minds and how we choose our thoughts. In uncertain times, how healing it would be to focus our minds on things that build up and not tear down. God makes clear this is His desire. He leads Paul in the Bible to write, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” (Philippians 4:8)

Maybe you’ve read this before, but how about actually doing it. I took moment to list each of these things and write a personal idea for thought in each case:

True– defined as “in accordance with fact or reality”- God’s Word is always true and Jesus explains He is the truth. This week I am going to think about Jesus’ words, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”(John 16:33)

Noble-defined as “having or showing find personal qualities or high moral principles or ideals.” Are you reading a good book? Choose a section that inspires you to consider as you live today. I chose, “The Lord seemed to say to me: I stand between you and any blows headed your way. If the pain you feel hurts, just imagine the pain you would have felt had I not absorbed the blow for you. Jesus does not promise life without pain. He promises to be a shield from life’s knockout punches. All day long.” Jennifer Kennedy Dean in “Prized” based on the verse “He shields [His beloved] all day long. “ (Deut. 33:12)

Right– defined as “morally good, justified, or acceptable.” I chose to think about the quote, “Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” C.S. Lewis

Pure- defined as “free of any contamination, not mixed with any other substance or material.” What are pure thoughts? Thoughts that hold no other motivation than to appreciate and show gratitude to God.

Lovely-defined as “exquisitely beautiful.” I spend some of my time with God each morning looking out our sunroom porch windows at the forest along our property line, enjoying the absolute beauty of His creation.

Admirable-defined as “arousing or deserving respect or approval.” Who do you admire or respect? Think who you might encourage today with an email or note of encouragement commending them for their contribution whatever it may be.

Excellent- defined as “extremely good, outstanding.” When was the last time someone showed you excellent customer service or demonstrated outstanding care for another? Think of them, and then “pay it forward” by doing the same for someone else.

Praiseworthy- defined as “deserving approval and admiration.” What if every day we sought to take some action that was praiseworthy.

What a challenge! How much would our lives change in 2021 if we reviewed this list every day and chose to do exactly what it says! I’m inspired. How about you?

Next week we complete the “7 Steps to Certainty.” You won’t want to miss it!

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