You Were Prepared for This Pandemic

Did you realize that your preparation for this pandemic began long ago?
It began:

when you were a child and the favorite toy you desperately wanted never appeared underneath the Christmas tree…

when the trophy you longed for after years of athletic training was awarded to another…

when the job you banked on years ago disappeared…

when the friend you cherished died of cancer…

when the marriage you dreamed off ended in divorce…

Chaos and the uncontrollable unknown permeate every fiber of life. From simply missing an office appointment due to heavy traffic to losing a spouse… chaos is inevitable. But with every unexpected event (small or large) with God’s help, you adapt, change and grow stronger.

Yes, the COVID-19 virus shocked us all. “Unprecedented” is the only word commentators and newscasters alike could use to describe this phenomenon. New words and phrases born out of crisis will forever bring indelible images to our minds; pandemic, COVID-19, shelter-at-home, social distancing, stay-at-home, quarantined, masks, #separatetogether …

But the idea that we are all helpless and incapable of overcoming at such a time, is a lie. You’ve been preparing for it for a lifetime. Don’t allow hopelessness and despair to assault. Rise up and realize that every day you have been adapting, adopting, and changing in response to the chaos of life, preparing for this moment. Through hard times and sad, suffering and pain, you have persevered. Take heart. You will persevere again as you trust the Holy Spirit’s power within to comfort, encourage, and give you peace.

Though seemingly unimaginable, God can take even the smallest amount of faith and give you the ability to not only endure but actually embrace the chaos.

Knowing His death and crucifixion lay ahead for the disciples, Jesus both warned and encouraged them offering hope, “I have told you these things so that IN ME you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

God empowers us to draw on His resurrection power to give us the strength to persevere and overcome as we have all our lives through every chaotic event and moment. Paul states, “I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength.”

If you’d like to learn more about finding strength and hope in the face of this new COVID-19 chaos, check out my book, “Dancing in the Storm: Successfully Embracing Change.” You can find it under the BOOKS tab on our website,

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