What Pictures Line the Gallery of Your Mind?

It’s amazing to realize that statistically a person thinks between 12,000 and 60,000 thoughts a day. And what you think about affects your attitudes, motivation, and ability to accomplish tasks and reach goals.

These thoughts are often memories you’ve allowed to shape how you think about many aspects of your life. Did you fail at a project? Then failure looms in your mind when you tackle a similar project. Were you hurt in a relationship? Then when another relationship seems possible, fear may grip you, causing you to withdraw. Is there a dream that continues to go unrealized? Then you may hesitate to dream again.

As Christians we have an enemy who works very hard to keep us from experiencing the purposes and plans God ordained for us to accomplish. Peter tells us, “Keep a cool head. Stay alert. The Devil is poised to pounce, and would like nothing better than to catch you napping. Keep your guard up.” (I Peter 5:8) We are further told that when we submit ourselves to God (including our thoughts), and resist the devil, our enemy must flee, he has no choice. (James 4:7)

Author Warren Wiersbe writes, “No Christian rises higher than the beauty and quality of the pictures that hang in the gallery of his or her mind.” Bill Mowry, a second author adds, “What we picture in our imaginations can impact our behavior…Jesus does something wonderful. He invites us, in our weakness and inexperience, to be His helpers in the Great Commission. He recruits ministry amateurs to come alongside friends to model behaviors-how to love God, build friendships, read the Bible, tell stories, ask questions-and encourage application. We can call these amateurs alongsiders. Are you ready to hang this picture in the gallery of your mind.”

God has purposes and plans for you in 2022! These include the privilege of living the life of Jesus, by the Holy Spirit’s power, in a world desperate to know Him. Don’t let thoughts of the past or negative memories rob you of the daily opportunities God is offering to fulfill His purposes in this world. Hang new pictures in the gallery of your mind…pictures of purpose, hope, and a life lived to help others come to know Jesus Christ through you.

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