Precious Promises for Tough Times

It’s 5:30 a.m. I sit in my office with the windows open feeling the unseasonably warm tropical breezes of South Carolina in the middle of January. It never ceases to amaze me how these times in the quiet early morning, long before Reen awakens, can be such precious times spent with God.

Reen and I are facing another new transition in our Refreshed Life. God has been moving on Reen’s heart for years to pursue full-time vocational ministry. He actually graduated from Seminary with a degree in Christian counseling the first year we dated almost 18 years ago. At that time, he had no idea he would ever consider ministry as a full-time vocation.

Reen pursued the degree in his desire to be more effective in helping people who were facing transition and often crisis in his real estate business. Reen enjoyed this ministry called “Marketplace Ministry,” reaching out to people in the business world while pursuing a non-ministry related career. Yet God had a different idea.

Now, after years of searching for a new career following the real estate crash of 2008, God used many difficult times financially and hard lessons learned to shape Reen into the man of God He desires to use in full-time ministry.

Another huge life transition awaits us. A friend recently asked, “How do you feel?” I don’t remember my answer, but this morning I am taking the time to reflect on that question.  I realize I feel a flood of jumbled emotions…hopeful, expectant, filled with positive anticipation, floundering, uncertain what the future holds, and dread at the thought of another move. 😊

And yet with David, this morning I say to the Lord, “But as for me, I trust in You.” (Psalm 55:23)

Earlier I had a mental picture of being at sea, tossed by the waves, floundering in the water, reaching out in hopes of grasping a life ring. Suddenly, the Lord reminded me of His promises…those treasured promises I have clung to for a lifetime…promises that have never let me down. Fear, anxiety, and apprehension are normal emotions when we face change and transition. But as we trust the God who loves us and His promises, the Jesus’ peace always returns.

For years I wrote these promises in the front of my Bible with the date of the experience to which they applied. Throughout my life, with every significant life change, there is a new verse each time I cling to and God brands it on my heart. It always gives me special hope and peace.

As I face another of these times, I will be sharing these verses with you. I hope they help you now in your time of need or in the future.

Peter understands this when he writes, “His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption in the world…”(2 Peter 1:3-4)

The promises of God are our life raft, our life ring when difficult times come.  And as we cling to God and His promises, He carries us through every difficulty. To what promise are you clinging today?

I can assure you after walking with God for a lifetime, His promises do NOT fail. He will do exactly as He says and you can trust Him. I can’t wait to share some of those promises with you as I weather the storm of another life transition that He works for our good and His glory! May Your Refreshed Life be one solidly founded on the promises of God. Stay tuned!

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