Five More Thought Patterns Holding YOU Back!
Good Morning! It’s Linda and I am so excited that Reen and I have now officially moved into our new home in Chattanooga, Tennessee. If you haven’t visited this lovely city, make plans to do so soon. It’s charming, boasts a thriving economy, and yet maintains a “small-town” feel. We couldn’t be happier that God showed us this is the place we need to settle and put down roots. It could be your summer adventure!
Last week we looked at the first five thought patterns identified in the book, “Positive Intelligence.” These “Saboteurs” seek to stop us from living the renewed, refreshed life promised by Jesus in His words, “I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows],” (John 10:10 Amplified).
Charmine contends that everyone struggles with “The Judge” thoughts (explained in last week’s blog found on our website and then when one of the other thought systems, your “Accomplice Saboteur,” joins the Judge in dominating and restricting your ability to move forward with hope and freedom.
The following are the final five of the ten negative and destructive thought patterns we face:
1. The Hyper-Vigilant–
These thoughts cause you to feel intense and continuous anxiety over all the dangers that may (or may not in reality) surround you. It causes you to be constantly vigilant, robbing you of rest. It’s a lie that the dangers around you are bigger than they appear.
2. Pleaser–
These thoughts work to compel you to attempt to gain acceptance and affection by constantly helping, pleasing, rescuing, or flattering others. Its lie is that you are pleasing others because it is a good thing, denying that you are really trying to gain approval and acceptance through your actions. It leaves you disillusioned and resentful when your efforts fail and exhausted even if they succeed.
3. Restless–
These thoughts cause you to constantly seek the next exciting moment or function in perpetual busyness, never satisfied in the moment but always anticipating the future. These thoughts also offer you a never-ending stream of distractions making you lose focus on the things and relationships that really matter. Its lie is that being busy you are living life fully while the truth is you are missing the important moments and memories that comprise a rich and abundant life.
4. Stickler–
These are the thoughts of the perfectionist, always needing perfection, order, organization, and routine taken too far. You live in constant frustration with yourself and others. Shirad writes, “Its lie is that perfectionism is always good and that you don’t pay a huge price for it.”
5. Victim–
These thoughts want you to feel emotional and temperamental as a way of gaining attention and affection. They encourage self-pity which often leads to despair and depression by encouraging you to focus on your internal feelings, particularly painful ones, and can lead to a “martyr complex.”
So, how do we stop these negative thoughts from controlling our lives and robbing us of the confidence to step into the new beginnings God has for us? Find out more next week in the blog, “Pattern Interrupt!”
Please contact me at or Reen anytime. I look forward to hearing from you! And please share this information with a friend who you feel it might help. Remember:
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