What is your story?

What is Your Story?

“Story” – everyone is talking about story as communication’s precious gem. But what does that really mean for you? What is your story?

Many of us launched our children and grandchildren into a new season of life in the last few weeks … college life. The stories of childhood and teen years ending and young adulthood beginning.

We watched as our son and his family flew from Washington State to LSU to launch our precious granddaughter, Caroline,  into life’s next season. One client sent a photo of her final hug with her daughter as she left her at Florida University and the pensive, reflective photo of another client appeared as he left his daughter in Boston. One story ended … another begun.

Today, Reen handed me the envelope of one bank that read:

You are the author of your story.

Your goals.

Your dreams.

Your future.

Reen recently spoke for the Young Professionals of Catoosa County Chamber of Commerce and he shared a point he often makes when speaking with our grandchildren, “It’s your life. Make it a good one.”  We all make choices that shape our lives and our story. We can make good choices or bad ones. It’s up to us.

Thankfully, we have a God who is acquainted with our lives – and if we seek His direction, we are offered the best opportunity to make good choices. He is ultimately in charge and when we believe in Jesus Christ, He is constantly weaving our choices into good for us if we trust Him. The writer of Proverbs tells us, “A man’s heart plans his way, But the LORD directs his steps” (Proverbs 16:9).

So, this fall, as you or those you love enter a new season or begin a new story in life, turn to the only One with the power to make it a good choice, a fulfilling story. God is the One who takes even our bad choices and recreates them for our good if we trust Him (Romans 8:28-29). Find comfort that He is in control and will care for your child, your grandchild, and for you as the stories of your life unfold.

What is your story, right now, right here? Trust Him and it may be the greatest story of your life!

We’d love to hear your story! Email us at info@yourrefreshedlife.com and let us know how we can pray for you now as you walk out your choices and live your story.

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