what is your word

What is Your “One Thing”?

Exciting New Year to you! Are you ready for all God wants to do in and through you in 2025? Do you realize the God of the Universe gifted you, gave you abilities, skills, and life experiences for a unique and special purpose in this world? When was the last time you took the time to evaluate what He may plan for this moment in your life? This season? This year?

I am beginning this year with a “Book of the Year”…not simply a word. John Mark Comer’s book, “Practicing the Way: Be with Jesus, Become like Him, and Do as He Did” coupled with Jesus’ words (one verse a day in the “Sermon on the Mount” – Matt. 5-7. I read the Amplified version of the Bible to better understand the original meanings of the words as written in Greek), are my meditation and focus for 2025!  I can’t wait to wake up in the morning and spend time with God discussing this book and verses.

Comer quotes Thomas Kelley, “The Loving Presence does not burden us equally with all things, but considerately puts upon each of us just a few central tasks, as emphatic responsibilities. For each of us these special undertakings are our share in the joyous burdens of life.”

Comer continues, “God’s heart is universal, literally- it’s for all of the universe. Our hearts are not universal. We’re finite, mortal, a vapor. But on each of us, Jesus will lay one small part of his universal heart of love. We will find our hearts drawn to particular justice issues, people groups, neighbor families, or lines of work. And it will feel like joy.”

What brings you joy?  What are you passionate about? What energizes your spirit when you think about pursuing it?

Kelly also says, “By inner persuasions He draw us to a few very definite tasks, our tasks, God’s burdened heart particularizing His burdens in us,” just as Paul mentions, “The Lord has assigned to each his task,” (I Cor. 3:5).

“What is Christ trying to express to the watching world through your particular life?, asks Comer.

“What’s your task?

“Your ‘joyous burden of love’?”

As Reen and I sought to answer these questions in 2022, God began showing us the many things He brought into our lives to hone and focus us so we might spend the rest of our lives fulfilling our God-ordained task by using our unique gifts, skills, and abilities to touch others’ lives. He then built what Reen calls our “accidental business” using our gifting to also provide for us (check out www.WatermanCG.com).

How about you? Are you fulfilling God’s unique purpose in your life? Let’s explore this together in the coming year!  Send us your comments, thoughts, prayers, or questions at: info@yourrefreshedlife.com. We look forward to hearing from you!

Joyous New Year to you! Let’s celebrate it together!

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