finding a church

H.A.L.T. -Making Good Decisions

Reen and I are in the process of visiting churches in the Chattanooga area appropriately called “the Belt Buckle of the Bible Belt.” I   know how easy it became during the Pandemic to awaken late on Sunday, stay in your pajamas, and flip on the TV to watch a worship service. Somehow it became a habit hard to break.

And with all the polarizing controversy in our culture, it seems the church lost favor somehow in the last several years with millennials and Gen Zs who decided the church was not authentic enough. They forgot the church is imperfect, made up of imperfect people just like them, but still remains God’s much cherished and loved family.

So, we are looking for a church. As believers in Jesus, and part of His Body, we believe finding community in His family is important. And being a part of a community means being with people, face to face. We miss connection and the author of Hebrews reaffirms this with his words, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds,not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching” (Hebrews 10:24-25 NIV).

So, several weeks ago we attended a local church and heard a terrific sermon! In it the pastor spoke about making decisions. He said, “NEVER MAKE A DECISION WHEN  YOU ARE”:





I silently chuckled when I heard it. “So simple, but so true!”, I thought.

So, as we move forward to explore the new direction God may be leading you in discovering new beginnings and fresh starts, remember this simple acronym. If any of these things are present, HALT. As Reen often says, “If in doubt, don’t.” Don’t make any decisions you will later regret.

If you’re in the midst of a life-change or looking for new direction and inspiration as to God’s next steps in your life, I hope you’ll contact me and let me pray for you. After all, you are a part of the Your Refreshed Life family, we love and pray for you daily, and would love to hear from you! Blessings this week! We hope it’s a great one!

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