Find Your Squad

September is the ideal time to take the plunge and join a men’s small group. A small group is as essential on the football field with special teams as it is in the military with the squad being an effective combat unit. And whether in football, in battle, or pursuing the Christian walk, it is just not good to be alone.

When it comes to relating to other guys, despite our deep desire for friendship and connection, we naturally gravitate to isolation and separation. Some of this comes from our own experience not being close to our fathers (who weren’t close to theirs either). To be brutally honest with you, a significant reason that many men choose to remain aloof and separate from other men stems from our desire for self-protection.

Joining a small group or getting to know another guy exposes us to one of our deepest fears—that we won’t measure up! Our desire not to feel inferior to others who may be more spiritual than we are, keeps us from joining a group of other men who could become real friends. Its not God’s will for us to succumb to these fears; instead, God wants us to be courageous and vulnerable, and rewards these steps of faith with lasting male friendships.

I’ll be vulnerable with you—at age 61, I finally have some close guy friends who happen to be around the country. While we can’t gather in the same room, we have great conversations on the phone. As Linda and I anchor here in Colorado, we will join a church and I will develop close male friends here. But I learned a great lesson from Linda’s mom, “To have a friend you have to be a friend.”

Want to make more guy friends? Want to find your squad or start one? Want to have an honest discussion on issues that affect men, ending in a time of prayer? Then join me for Man-to-Man Live starting on September 15th from 5 p.m.- 6 p.m. Mountain (7 p.m.-8 p.m. Eastern) for a weekly Zoom call where we discuss issues men face. NO BOOKS to buy. NO HOMEWORK. Just an honest weekly discussion among guys. Email me at to receive the zoom link.


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