Time For A Reboot?

What image comes to mind when you hear the word, “reboot”? Do you recall the unpleasant memory of a frozen computer and the crucial time required to restart? Or a personal or business relationship hitting a roadblock you don’t know how to overcome? Or, maybe your career stalled, and you’re confused as to how to move forward. Although these images seem troubling, a reboot is actually a positive, life-changing event. It provides you with a jumpstart in new directions for personal and professional progress.

September is an exciting month for new beginnings. Children return to school and church small groups reconvene. People head to the water, woods, and playing fields as varied sporting seasons open. While high school football teams begin competing against rival teams, NFL teams begin sparring on pre-season Sunday afternoon television.

But one of the best things about September is that it is an ideal time for a reboot. This reboot could move you forward to seek better health, a stronger walk with Christ, or a more fulfilling relationship with your spouse and family. Or perhaps this is the season to begin seeking a higher degree, better job, or starting your own business?

For Linda and me, our September reboot is a whole new life as Colorado residents. I’ve always wanted to live in the West and applied for jobs here 20 years ago, but the timing wasn’t right. But now, by God’s plan…here we are looking for a new church, favorite restaurants, movie theaters, and bookstores. And as Linda settles into her new position, I am prayerfully waiting on God to make the right connection for the work He has for me.

My reboot is the choice not to return to a prior real estate career but instead use my talents, skills, and abilities in a new direction to connect and change men’s lives. I’m not quite sure what this will look like, but I know God knows!

Rebooting can be a fearful, anxious, and uncertain time, but while change may be scary, we can be comforted that God already knows the outcome. I love what Jeremiah writes that reminds us that God has our future in His hands,

“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the LORD, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

So, fellow YRL travelers, what is the reboot that assures Your Refreshed Life this fall? Maybe it’s committing to join that men’s or women’s group at church, sticking to the weekly date night with your wife or husband, or going on the diet to lose those “Covid 20” you’ve been meaning to drop?

No matter what reboot awaits you, we’d love to support, encourage, and cheer you on. Send me an email at reen.waterman@navigators.org so we can pray for you or be an impartial listener to help you consider your options.

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