Fear Less. Trust More.

Last week we discussed Jesus’ explanation to the religious leaders that there is no marriage in heaven, and that we will be immortal like the angels. After that description Jesus says, “But about the resurrection of the dead- have you not read what God said to you, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’ He is not the God of the dead but of the living.”

From God’s point of view, He is the God of all those throughout the ages who are resurrected from the dead life of sin by choosing to believe in Jesus Christ. He is their God and they are always alive in Him whether on earth or in heaven. God is the God of the living, not the dead.

When we belong to God, resurrection is possible every day of life if we spend it in faith looking to Jesus.Those in the Old Testament were looking forward in faith to the cross of Jesus where He paid the penalty for all sin once for all …while we look back in faith to the cross of Jesus. All who look to Jesus are alive, resurrected… and God is our God. Abraham, Isaac and Jacob believed as they looked forward to Christ’s sacrifice and they are alive as are all who believe.

So we have the opportunity to live an active resurrected, life today. Resurrection is not a one time event that happened after Jesus’ death when He was raised from the dead. Jesus is resurrection and He resurrects us daily to newness of life when we live by faith and follow Him.

SO my question for all of us is, “Are we living a resurrected life of faith even in the face of a worldwide pandemic? Are we remembering as change assaults us minute by minute, Jesus and His promises do not change? Are we choosing faith over fear and trust over despair? 

Jesus came to give us a Refreshed, Resurrected Forever Life that we can choose to live every day. Join me, won’t you, in making that choice. Instead of giving up in despair, being overcome by anxiety, or overwhelmed by life’s complexities, let’s choose to fix out eyes on Jesus and look to Him for hope, encouragement and inspiration. Let’s anticipate resurrection in this current situation since He is presently and always the Resurrection!

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