What Will YOU Buy?

Linda and I finished our 1,700-mile drive across America to Colorado last night! After packing, selling, consigning, and donating so much, we earned enough to buy the essential items needed to set up house here until our furniture arrives in the next two weeks. As we consider necessary purchases, one being a bed, I realize how grateful I am that we can use the earned money rather than go into debt.

Continuing last week’s discussion on financial health, I’m so aware of the temptation that advertising plays in enticing us to buy more than we really need. Our financial health is impacted by the media influences we allow to permeate your mind.

Is it any wonder that America is one of the most heavily debt-ridden countries in the world? Every time we turn on our televisions or glance at our mobile phones, advertising pops up. Every marketing message assaults us with the common theme that what we have is “not good enough”. The goal of advertising is to lure us to buy the newest, latest, coolest, or  most convenient product.

If you want to prove this point—though I’ll grant you it may be hard—turn off the television for a week. Take this time to pray and ask Jesus to take over your finances. If you do this, you’ll quickly see that your car is not so bad, your clothes are in better shape than you think, you’ve got a nice house, and you are, in fact, pretty content.

So, while marketers want to promote the cure for lack in your life as owning more, consider what Paul writes,

“And my God will liberally supply (fill until full) your every need according to the riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” ( Phil. 4:19)

Moving toward a life of  gratitude and stewardship requires making a conscious mind shift. God knows what you need, when you need it, and how you can best  acquire it. Before being tempted by the latest impulse purchase, let’s discuss each purchase with your spouse or family. Pray about it.

Linda and I agreed early in our marriage that we discuss any purchase over $100. That proves a wonderful deterrent to impulse purchases and unnecessary buying.

So, one of the keys to living Your Refreshed Life is to tame the “debt monster” by first bringing your desires captive to Christ and trusting Him to guide, direct, and provide. If you apply this principle you will experience a peace greater than you ever imagined.  

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