Stirring the Pot of Friendship

Hello,  Dear YRL Friends!

As I sit at a folding card table in our nearly empty new home in Colorado Springs, I look out at the majestic mountains and am reminded just how big God is! Linda and I arrived here a week ago and God is showing us in many ways just how much He cares for us. Linda and I both tested positive for Covid last week and I’m also struggling with pneumonia. On top of this, Linda broke several bones in her right foot and is hobbling around. And our furniture and belongings are still enroute by tractor trailer from Maryland.

Yet, while camping out on air mattresses and suffering through our discomfort and illnesses, you, our dear friends, reached out and encouraged us in prayers. Reading the encouraging texts and emails from so many caring friends is true salve for the weary soul. These remind me of the wonderful encouragement Paul penned in Hebrews 10:24-25,

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.”

While we can’t be with you physically, it blesses us to know that you’re kneeling with us in prayer, encouraging us, and reminding us that we are here on a new mission with God.

In addition to encouragement from many, my sister in Florida sent us food from a local restaurant, another dear couple did the same thing, and a new local friend dropped off essentials. The Navigators President’s office, Field Staff Team and Communications Team all delivered this bountiful and much-needed care basket you see in the photo to our front door. All Linda could say was, “My cup runneth over. We won’t have to buy groceries for a month!”

So, while we haven’t been able to send out our August newsletter, we want to send out our sincere thanks for your prayers, encouraging words, and acts of kindness. These wonderful ministering acts show us that we are not alone. While we recover, if we can pray for you or share some encouragement, we’d be honored to cheer you on in your personal challenges.

So, thank you again and please let us know how we can be a blessing in your life as you continue to be in ours!

Reen (and Linda)

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