Four Keys to Personal Renewal: The Ultimate Renewal

If an alien showed up on earth and watched television, read the newspaper, and picked up magazines, what would he learn about Easter? He’d quickly realize it was a special candy celebration honoring Cadbury Easter eggs and jelly beans. The true significance of Easter is not what we pull out of our Easter baskets– but WHO came out of the tomb on Easter morning!

For Linda and myself, our total life and ministry focus is helping, guiding, and directing people to live their promised “Resurrection Life” found only in knowing, loving, and serving our resurrected Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He is alive and you can be, too! Yet, if you want renewal in any area of your life, it is only possible by coming to Jesus Christ and surrendering to Him as the One who created you and the only One who knows His special plans for your life.

In 2006 Eugene Peterson, author of the popularly conversational Message Translation of the Bible, wrote a phenomenal book called “Living the Resurrection.” This is our book of the month and can help you move beyond simply attending Easter service to applying resurrection living to your daily work, life, and relationships.

Whether you never experienced faith in Christ, are a long-time believer, or are feeling your faith is a little stale, make this Easter your best yet! Come to a local church service asking for fresh eyes and a renewed love for Jesus. Ask God to unravel your knotted past, heal your troubled heart, and prepare you for a season of total renewal in all areas of your life. Look to the cross and not the world! Jesus tells us, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33).

And remember, many people attend Easter service out of obligation. They are referred to as “Twice a year” attendees (Christmas and Easter). They go to church because they think they should or they feel they need to take their children. Knowing this, Easter can be the greatest opportunity you have to invite friends, neighbors, coworkers, or family members to join you at church on Easter Sunday morning. Consider reaching out and inviting them. Statistics show that if you invite someone to attend Easter service they will come (particularly if you invite them to join you for dinner after the experience 😊). And if they do, you may be the person God uses to impact their lives for eternity.

Join us this month as we share the power of renewal in “Four Keys to Personal Renewal.”

May You and Your Family have a Joyous Resurrection Sunday!

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