Hi, this is Reen! Freedom brings many thoughts to mind. When you watch television, read magazines, or wander the aisle of the grocery store the word “FREE” is everywhere:

  • Sugar FREE
  • Fat FREE
  • Lactose FREE
  • Gluten FREE
  • Calorie FREE
  • Dairy FREE
  • Buy One Get One FREE

It seems marketers love the word FREE and make free use of the motivation it encourages. But, as Noble prize-winning economist Milton Friedman said, “There is no such thing as a free lunch.” Everything costs something. No one gives something away for free….unless it is to his or her advantage.

But there is one kind of freedom which is free—FREEDOM in CHRIST! When Christ freely died to pay the price for our sins on the cross, He gave us the freest yet most costly gift ever—His life as a payment for sin’s death penalty. He willingly came to earth to be born a humble human birth, spent thirty years living and working as we all do, and then undertook three years of purposeful ministry knowing that it would lead to the cross.

During a recent conversation with Linda’s son, John, he shared what he explained to his eighteen-year-old son, Johnnie. It was intriguing but a very real truism. There are two kinds of Christians—”Noun Christians” and “Verb Christians.” A Noun Christian is a person who has accepted Christ as his or her Savior but that’s as far as their relationship with Christ goes. However, a Verb Christian is a person who has accepted Christ as Savior and Lord, and actively and intentionally seeks to grow in Christ, follow His will for their lives, and share this true freedom with others.

When we become Christians, we become spiritually reborn in Christ. But despite this spiritual transformation the old flesh remains intact. Our challenges, flaws, and struggles still maintain residence in our hearts, minds, and actions. That is why Paul writes in Philippians 2:12 that, “We are to work out our salvation with fear and trembling.” Being a Christian does not transform us instantly into our perfected heavenly state. This only occurs when Christ brings us home. There is action required of us to follow Christ as we seek to be cleansed of the traps and thinking that holds us back. To attain true freedom in Christ takes work…challenging work. But it’s worth it to fulfill God’s unique plan and purpose for our life.

Do you want freedom? Paul writes in Philippians 3:13-14, “Forget what lies behind and press forward.” If you wrestle  with struggles robbing you of freedom, this month’s resource can be a real game-changer! The “Steps to Freedom in Christ” is a tremendous book. You can also purchase it in a ten-week discipleship course to work through personally or with your small group.

This month’s blogs will tackle other areas of freedom. We appreciate you walking the road to Your Refreshed Life with us. If you enjoy what we share, please invite your friends to join us as well. Why not forward our newsletter to others and help them become live their refreshed life, too?

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