4 Steps to Positive Perseverance

In a small group discussion many years ago with Elisabeth Elliot (whose husband, Jim Elliot, was martyred by the natives originally called the Auca Indians), Elisabeth described her complete sense of loss after his death and the inability to know how to make it through even another day. She described calling her mother and asking, “What do I do?” Her mother answered, “Pick up your broom and sweep. Just sweep. Do the next thing.”

Elisabeth Elliot, missionary to the Auca Indians

So simple and yet so profound. I’ve thought of those words so many times in my lifetime. Just do the next thing.

Persevere when times are tough, may be as simple as doing the next thing. Start with the most mundane task, and simply keep moving forward. I shared a quote from Walter Elliot in this month’s newsletter that seems to incapsulate this principle. “Perseverance is not a long race, it is many short races one after another.”

The challenges presented you this past year demanded perseverance in the face of a series of many short races, one after another. I commend you. You have prevailed.

As we saw last week:

Step one to Positive Perseverance- is realizing that we need both relationship with God and others to live a meaningful, healthy life.

Step Two to Positive Perseverance- is learning that when times get tough and you don’t know what to do, simply take the next step. Do the next thing. Keep moving forward and you will find it creates a momentum that carries you through to the other side of every difficulty.

As Jesus reminds us, “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33)

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