Positive Perseverance – Step Three

When you awaken in the morning, what do you think about? Do you immediately dread all the responsibilities that your day will hold? Do you run through your anticipated schedule, attempting to prepare yourself to meet the challenges? Do you jump up and just get going, so you won’t have to think about the demands you will confront?

May I suggest a better way? Why not awaken with gratitude for another day? Before you know if the sun is shining or the rain is pouring, thank God that He knows what your day will hold and that with Him by your side, you can succeed in handling every circumstance. Remember that if you belong to Jesus, all His resources lie within you because His Holy Spirit lives in you. There is nothing this day will hold that together you and Jesus cannot conquer.

And finally, take a moment to get excited. Yes, excited!

You have no idea what your day will hold, but He does. And He’s the God of the Universe who can do anything, and will, if you trust Him. There is no telling what wonderful things He has in store for you. Maybe you will see the first spikes of green Spring growth bursting from the dirt as a daffodil reaches out to the sun. Maybe God will lead you to call a friend who at that moment needed your call more than anything else that day. Maybe your child will paint a picture that demonstrates how much he loves you. Maybe you will find the time to sit quietly in silence and simply rest in the peaceful arms of Jesus’ embrace.

Why not expect something wonderful to happen? Why not anticipate a miracle? Every day spent with God is full of miracles if we simply take the time to see. We are encouraged, “Search for the Lord and for his strength; continually seek him. Remember the wonders he has performed, his miracles…(I Chronicles 16:11-12)

Step Three to Positive Perseverance- is to live life with expectation and anticipation. (Check out Steps One and Two at www.yourrefreshedlife.com)

When difficult times come… and they will…appreciating the small blessings and miracles of life keep the difficulties from overwhelming us. God offers us good and perfect gifts every day, regardless of the circumstances we face. James challenges us, “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.” (James 1:17)

God alone knows how difficult things can become in this broken world we live in, but because He is God and knows all, He knows exactly what we need in each moment to continue forward…to persevere in the face of suffering and adversity.

Look for His gifts. Anticipate and expect with excitement to see His face break through the clouds and shine His light of love, understanding and encouragement. God enables us to focus on the good that surrounds us instead of the problems we endure if we will only trust Him. Join me, won’t you?

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