“He is Risen, He is Risen Indeed.” Guest Blogger – Reen Waterman

Resurrection Sunday arrives this week! With all the distressing news bombarding us daily, we really need a huge infusion of hope. And the celebration of resurrection this very week is just what the Master Jesus provides!

Did you realize that Resurrection Sunday (many call Easter) is the culmination of all our hopes and dreams? Let me explain by telling you one man’s story.

Following his wife’s conversion to Christ, Lee Strobel became convinced his wife had joined a cult. A serious and celebrated journalist, Strobel applied his proven journalistic expertise, with the intention of debunking what he felt sure was fantasy and legend surrounding Jesus Christ’s life, ministry, and resurrection.

After months of intense research, interviews, and investigation, he proved to himself beyond any doubt that the biblical– and as importantly– extra-biblical accounts were indisputably accurate. Because of the conclusions he reached, he committed his life to Jesus Christ. He then wrote more books, creating a series describing Jesus’ impact on the world.

If Christ did not rise from the dead, then our faith is a fake, and our belief in an afterlife in heaven is hopeless. But the fact is…He did rise from the dead and conquered sin and death. This gives us great peace that when we breath our last breath, we will wake up in heaven, our forever home. It also assures us that every day we live now, we can walk life’s path with the living Lord Jesus Christ actively working in and through our lives!

It is a proven historical fact (by both biblical and extra-biblical sources) that Jesus rose from the dead. If you wish to learn more about this, read The Case for Christ, by former atheist and journalist Lee Strobel. (This makes an excellent gift to share with friends and family, especially at this time of year!)

We pray you experience a joyous Resurrection Sunday! Much love from the Watermans!

P.S. Amid this global pandemic, more people are aware of death and dying. We have an unparalleled opportunity to share our hope in Christ and the eternal life He promises in heaven. For great resources to reach others, check out www.leestrobel.com.

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