7 Ways to Thrive in Pandemic Times

#4 Discover What is in Your Hand?

We’ve moved together through the first 3 steps toward a life that enables us to thrive rather than merely survive in Pandemic times. They are:

#1. Rely on God.

#2. Choose Positive Grief.

#3. Assess Your Situation.

With transparency and vulnerability, I’ve shared my personal struggle as COVID has completely altered our life. Not only are my son, his wife, and my grandchildren moving, but my husband, Reen’s, pastoral position as small group pastor was phased out. Almost impossible to gather people in groups right now. COVID is sure taking its toll on churches that can’t meet indoors due to size, have added the expense of previously unnecessary technological equipment to produce live streaming services, and are unable to effectively receive tithes and offerings from those sitting in their living room Sunday mornings to “watch” church.   

SO, we are facing a huge time of transition. It’s time for me to take the next step and that is:

#4. Discover What’s in Your Hand? God asked Moses a simple question when Moses was so overwhelmed at the prospect of leading God’s people out of Egypt. Moses protested God’s every request. God said, “What is in your hand?” and Moses answered, “A staff.”(Exodus 1:2) Nothing more than a piece of wood Moses had carved to aid him is leading sheep. Yet, God showed how that staff could become whatever God desired to accomplish His purposes. What abilities talents, gifts, skills, and experiences has God placed in your life? How might they be instrumental to God in shaping your future? Could you teach a course others would pay to attend? Could you sew masks that others must wear and place them on Etsy? Could you start cooking and baking for others who have no time to do so? What is in YOUR hand?

I’m taking this step.  Quite frankly, reaching out through my writing and speaking to thousands throughout my lifetime, sharing the life-giving truth of Jesus’ abundant life, is rarely lucrative work.  And I’ve held some misguided ideas that receiving money for doing this is somehow inappropriate…yet as I have sought God these last several weeks He has shown me this is a misplaced belief.

Though allowing money to become a replacement for God or a priority that surpasses your love for God is completely wrong, earning a fair and just income for the work that is done is completely right according to God’s will and way. Paul tells Timothy, “For the Scriptures say, ‘Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,’ and ‘The worker deserves his wages.’”

And when Jesus sent the 72 disciples out in pairs to carry the message of His Good News to the world, He told them when they arrived in a town and were invited into a home, he said, “Stay there, eating and drinking whatever they give you, for the worker deserves his wages.” (Luke 10:7)

Reen, in responding to God’s question, realizes his 34 year career in real estate buying, selling and flipping houses as well as his writing are all gifts, skills and abilities the Lord has placed in His hand.

I am asking God to show me new and creative ways to use the gifts He has given me of writing and speaking to both share His Good News and help provide financially.  During prayer He has given me several fresh ideas I am pursuing…but that’s a story for another day. J

So what‘s in your hand?  I’d love to hear your story. Write me, won’t you?

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