Wonder and Awe

What a joy it was last Saturday morning to attend a Women’s Christmas Brunch at The Road @ Chapel Hills. After meeting a host of new women and enjoying a delicious meal of Chicken and Waffles (dear to my Southern heart), the speaker, Billie Boogaard, verbally painted the picture of Herod, the fears and brutality of the government at that time, and the courage and boldness of both shepherds and wisemen who came to see this newborn, The King.

Next, she shared a video portraying the wisemen’s arrival. What a surprise this must have been to Mary and Joseph to find these strangers at their door. And to see these well-dressed, grown men, come with gifts in hand to kneel before their two-year old toddler with awe, wonder, and reverence on their faces.

In all the busyness of present buying, gift wrapping, house decorating, and meal preparation, when was the last time you stopped to recognize the wonder, and kneel your heart in awe before the King of Kings and Lord of Lords whose birth you celebrate at Christmas? I ask myself the same question.

I was challenged to stop every day this Advent season, sit quietly, and meditate on God’s Word in Matthew 2, Luke 2, and John 1, taking the time to allow wonder and awe to settle deeply in my heart. The King of Glory humbled himself to demonstrate His love for us by coming in the form of His Creation, a human, to experience what we experience, know what we know, and live what we live…so we could know His love.

And then to think that He willingly died a gruesome death to pay the penalty for all our sin (all the ways we fall short of His Glory by resisting His will and instead saying, “I’ll do it my way”). He did this so we will someday spend eternity in the unflawed, perfection of His Heaven. This is certainly awe-inspiring.

I’d love to hear what truth God brings to your heart this season as you take the time to genuinely meet with God. What does He whisper as you consider with wonder and awe His greatest gift of love given to you? And who can you share His love with this season? Write me anytime as lindamwaterman@gmail.com. I’d love nothing more than to hear from you!

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