4 Steps to Fulfilling Your Purpose

Do you ever wonder if you are fulfilling God’s purpose for your life?

Finding purpose is the deepest hunger of every human heart and it is only found in the One who created you. He knows exactly how He gifted you, the experiences He brought into your life to equip you, and the ways He skilled you to fulfill His special purposes for the lifetime He gives you.  Asking Him what His purpose is for your life is the only way to discover your answer.

How can you fulfill His purpose?

  1. Spend time with Jesus reading God’s Word each day.
  2. Ask Him to show you His plans for your day and orchestrate them.
  3. Obey what He shows you in His Word.
  4. Listen for His Voice to guide you throughout the day.

Through these simple steps you can actually discover His purpose as it unfolds like a magnificent tapestry.

God’s greatest purpose is to prepare us to live in His Presence forever. To do that, His desire is that you be “conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters,” (Romans 8:29).

What a responsibility and a privilege! God gave you other believers, His Body the church, to encourage you and support you in this amazing endeavor. Find others to meet and build deep relationships so you can grow to be more like Jesus.

I’ll be praying for you and I hope you’ll pray for us! I’d love to hear from you.  Email me at info@yourrefreshedlife.com. Tell me how you’re doing.

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